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There is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian. Being a vegetarian can save the earth. The reasons are: It saves the planet. Not only is there less, because cows and other animals are forced to produce young because of the high popular demand of meat, but there is now more land for planting trees, etc. Also, there is less electricity being used because there is no longer machines needed to kill the animals. Just remember: To us, it's just a taste but to the animal it's its whole life! Imagine if your whole life and family disappeared because a pig liked the taste of you! If you really want to look into vegetarianism, read the china study. I think it should be because it's better for your health and your wallet. But eating meat like McDonald's cheeseburgers, is definitely not necessary because it is unhealthy and if you eat all non-meat food you probably have an extra 10-15 years of your life. There is plenty of protein to get from plants and beans besides meat.

No one can tell you what you "should" do; however there are good reasons to become a vegetarian! For health reasons, environmental reasons, and to reduce cruelty in the world. Check out the question "Why do people become vegetarians?".

Unless you cannot (certain environments such as the tundra or mountainous regions like parts of Tibet have little edible vegetable food), in my opinion it would be a good idea.

No-one can tell you whether you should or not, but there are benefits of becoming vegetarian, for you and others.

Firstly, is it necessary to kill animals? Just because we like the taste, would the animals want it?

Secondly, is it humane? Should we do this to animals? Murder them?

Thirdly (if that is a word), why don't we think animals have rights? Aren't they like humans, in a different body? Maybe they're not as clever as us, but not all humans are geniuses! But do we kill and eat humans because they taste nice, because they're not clever?

(By the way, I'm not a murderer or a cannibal. This is purely for my point of reasoning).

I know these points were all based around the same thing. Please for the full story on how animals are inhumanely murdered in Slaughterhouses, visit and watch 'Glass Walls'. You don't need the sound on, but if you can have it on, much better.

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.

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No. People should be allowed to decide what they eat.

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11y ago

While there are benefits to both being a vegetarian and an omnivore (person who consumes both produce and meats), each person should be able to chose on their own.

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Q: Should people become vegetarian
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What are the main reasons people become vegetarian?

To not kill animals.

Who are the people that should not eat read meat?


You are a vegetarian but people keep trying to make you eat meat what should you do?

You can try to explain as best you can where you stand on being a vegetarian, and if they refuse to listen, you should probably find more like minded people, friends, etc. If they cannot respect your decision not to eat meat, then it'll become impossible to continue being around them without compromising yourself.

When should a person become a vegetarian?

Cases differ. Some people are born into it or may have religious beliefs that forbid eating animals. Others choose vegetarianism for health standards.

Can vegetarian people become a chef?

If they want to they can as long as they dont mind cooking the meat. if they have a problem cooking it then it will be harder for them to become one.Another answer:Anyone can become a chef if they truly desire to become one. It doen't really matter if the person is a vegetarian or not. As the above answer states, if the vegetarian has a problem actually preparing/cooking meat products, they may have a slightly harder time, but the culinary school they attend may have special accomodations for people who have a problem handling meat products.

Why are some people vegeterians?

Because we choose to be and because we believe that eating animals is wrong. Other people may be vegetarian because of religious beliefs. But we are free to choose to be vegetarian and people should respect that.

Do people who follow a vegetarian diet become weaker than other people?

Not all, but some do feel weaker with a loss of energy.

Why should you not be vegetarians?

People choose not to be vegetarian for different reasons. However, a vegetarian diet is much more healthy than a diet of meat and dairy.

Why should you be a pescatarian?

If you can, it's a good thing! In rare instances, some people cannot. But most can....There is no set answer to this question, as every vegetarian has their own reasons. Many people are vegetarian for ethical reasons, and some have witnessed animal cruelty in factory farms. Others become vegetarians because they dislike the taste or appearance of meat.Furthermore, some people become vegetarian for religious reasons. Some people also become vegetarians for the health benefits and believe that a vegetarian diet will allow them to be slimmer. Vegetarians have a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.There are also environmental reasons to become a vegetarian. Meat production is very wasteful, using huge amounts of water and producing sometimes unmanageable amounts of pollution. Methane produced by livestock is 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide in causing the "greenhouse effect". Meat production is one of the main causes of global warming (making Al Gore a hypocrite because he still eats meat).While people are still starving in this world, it is wasteful that in the U.S. half of all the food grown goes to livestock. Cows should eat grass, and the famished kids in Africa should eat grain.You should be a vegetarian because it is cruel to eat a poor, defenseless animal who has been abused all his life.A vegetarian diet is good for health when done properly, with care taken to include proteins, fiber, healthy fats, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Why do people become lacto-ovo vegetarian?

Are you asking why people change from being non-vegetarians to lacto-ove-vegetarians? Probably because they care about animal cruelty and want to reduce it. May be they are in their path to become Vegans too. Some of them do it for health reasons too, seeing that vegetarian diet is more beneficial.

What prompts people to become vegetarian or stand for animals and fight for the existence of animals?

The thought that animals too have rights, and are not to be killed at a whim.

Is there vegetarian people in Italy?

Yes,i am vegetarian -live temporary in Italy :)