

Should people judge others on the skin color?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Should people judge others on the skin color?
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Do not judge people or you will be judged for however you judge a person so shall you be judged the same way & with what measure you measure shall be measured to you .why do you look at the speck in your brother or frends eye & you pay no attention to the plank in your own eye.Dont judge people or others & point the finger at others unless you have no sin or guilt in your own life many people do judge others by their looks by the way they dress by their attitude & behaviour but the bible is clear not to judge others at all end of story.

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Some people will. Others wont. You shouldn't care what others think though.

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This is a kinda stupid question. But I like both. Equal. Same. You should not judge people by their hair and/or hair color.

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Because they don't know the real you. They just judge other people in what they see in the outside. But not exactly what's in the inside.

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There is racism everywhere in the world. It's in people, not locations. Anywhere there are people that judge others based on the color of their skin and not on the content of their character, you have racism. And California has many people of different races, so it is likely that it is prevalent there as in other places.