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Q: Should school limit online speech
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Is there a limit on how many siblings can go to one school?

Should not be a limit.

When can the government limit speech?

The gov't can limit free speech or press if the communication is advertising. Commercial Speech is protected by the 1st and 14th Amendment.

What is extempore speech competition?

Extempore speech competition is an competition in which u have a option of topics and upon that particular topic u have to speak in a limited time. As there is a time limit so u should take care of your speech,it should be to the point and clear.

What part of speech is limit in The speed limit on this stretch is 40 miles per hour?

Limit is a noun.

What does a presenter need to find out prior to writing a speech?

A presenter should find out the purpose of the speech, the audience demographics, the key message they want to convey, the time limit for the speech, and any guidelines or requirements set by the event organizer.

Should the US Government limit hate speech when the message being conveyed is based on hate?

No, the government should not because it would take away the 1st admeadment

Does direct incitement test allows government to limit speech?

The direct incitement test allows government to limit speech that will likely result in imminent lawless action.

What else does choosing your own topic for a speech allow you to limit the speech to besides background and interests?

Choosing your own topic for a speech can also limit the time needed to effectively deliver the speech. Some subjects simply have less information that needs to be conveyed.

Why should every middle schooler have a credit card with no limit?

Umm... they shouldn't. No middle school child should have a credit card with no limit. That will just tempt them to spend, and even if you're responsible, you most likely can't control spending a lot of money if you have no limit.

What part of speech is limit?

Either a noun or a verb, depending on the context.

Should the driving age limit be younger?

Yes, I think it should be because people that leave school at the end of year 10 need to be able to be independent.

What social condition was the main factor prompting President Eisenhower's speech?

Senator Joseph McCarthy's attempts to limit free speech