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Q: Should the US construct a memorial to this war within the US on the Mexican American war?
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Yes. It is the culture of Mexico, and should not be confused with Tex-Mex nor Mexican-American cultures.

Does a Mexican man need to devorse a Mexican women to marry an American women?

Unless he wants to be prosecuted for polygamy, yes, he should.

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First of all, you have a misspell, it should say: Do all Mexicans eat Mexican food? And no, not every Mexican eats Mexican food, some are vegeterians, but they eat Italian, American, Arabic, etc, food too..

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Construct and angle and bisect it, that should do it.

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shush be quiet you should go on

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because they let American people come to Mexico and they don't let them.

What days should you wave the American flag?

If not everyday, at least Veteran's, memorial & the 4th.Post an MIA flag as well for our fallen comrades.

In the phrase 'Jefferson Memorial' should memorial be capitalized?

Yes. The title of the monument is the "Jefferson Memorial" as a result, memorial is capitalized.

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How does an American citizen living in Mexico bring her Mexican fiance to the US only to visit not to live?

You should contact the American embassy in Mexico for legal advise:

Should you capitalize Mexican People?

Yes, "Mexican People" should be capitalized as it refers to a specific group of people from Mexico.

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so you can learn how to construct a sentence