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Q: Should the law mandate a balanced federal budget?
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What is balanced budget?

A budget for which expenditures are equal to income. Sometimes a budget for which expenditures are less than income is also considered balanced. The concept is often discussed in reference to the federal government.

How should Congress address the national debt?

I think a logical first step should be to stop it from growing larger by requiring that every federal budget be balanced.

What is a balanced budget?

The oversight committee has been working on the next balanced budget for over three weeks.

What is the situation called when the federal government’s revenues equal its expenditures in any particular year?

a balanced budget

Did Sam Houston have a balanced budget?

Yes, he did have a balanced budget.

What is the value of a balanced budget?

A balanced budget matches expenses with revenues. If your budget is not balanced you are either spending more than you take in and you have to borrow the difference or you are taking in more revenue than you can spend and that warehouses money. Budgeted reserves, a hard thing to manage, are part of the budget and should be adopted as plain policy. In that case you are setting aside revenue over expenses for a specific purpose (such as a rainy-day fund or a disaster fund.) Debt, or borrowing, can be part of a budget as well, usually showing debt payments and reserves in a sinking fund. If you maintain a sinking fund in your budget you still have a balanced budget. Typically debt is for some specific purpose, such as a new road or a bridge. In the Federal Budget there are no debts for bridges, roads, battleships or whatever they are all paid for in cash. So it could be said that some portion of the Federal budget should be shown as a debt owed for capital projects. But it is not accounted for in that fashion today. A balanced budget has value because you avoid debt to support spending and you avoid warehousing money that taxpayers might be able to spend themselves.

What elements of newt gingrichs contract with America did president Clinton adopt?

welfare reform, money for law enforcement, stiffer sentencing for criminals, a balanced budget, and a reduced federal deficit

The purpose of the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act passed by Congress in 1985 was to require the federal government to bring about a?

balanced budget

Economists have proposed the rule that the cyclically adjusted budget deficit always be balanced Compare this proposal to a strict balanced-budget rule Which is preferable?

balanced budget

Who was in the majority the house and senate during Bill Clinton 2 terms?

No he did not have majority in the house and senate when he balanced the federal budget and had a surplus!

What phase of the budget is to submit a balanced presidents budget?

Budget & Execution

Which modern controversy illustrates a major difference between state and federal budgeting?

balanced budget requirements Study Island: balanced budget requirements There are several controversies. The federal government is allowed to increase its debt cieling, while the states are not allowed to run perpetual deficits. Another controversy is the way the federal government creates laws. The feds sometimes create laws that the states are required to implement without federal funding.