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No, people make decisions to do things. People should be responsible for their own actions. You don't see people sueing compact flourecent bulb companies for Mercury poisoning when the bulb breaks do you?

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i think smoking companies should be responsible for smoking related deaths if something was wrong with the smokes eg. food poisoning dangerous chemicals or different ingredients then the nutritional information says. if it was meant to do the amount of damage or it was because the guy had too many smokes the company didn't do anything wrong and people should not be angry because that's what happens when you do not do the right thing and smoke. you die. end of story.

Where does it end... Blame liquor companies because people drink too much. Let's sue "Twinkies" who knew sugar makes you fat? What?... you can lose money at a casino??

You cannot protect people from themselves...

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Q: Should tobacco companies be held responsible for a smoker's health?
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Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking-related illness and deaths?

No, a person who smokes is responsible for anything they smoke. Tobacco companies do not force people to smoke, and therefore are not responsible for that person's illness or death.

Should tobacco companies not be held responsible?

They should not be held responsible as it is people's choice to continue to smoke despite all the health warnings.

Should companies be responsible for unemployment caused by their information systems?

Yes they should be responsible.

Should companies be responsible for unemployment caused by the information systems Why or why not?

Yes they should be responsible.

How many substances in a cigarettes?

Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals. At least 50 are known carcinogens (cause cancer in humans) and many are poisonous. Cigarettes are one of few products which can be sold legally which can harm and even kill you over time if used as intended. There are ongoing lawsuits in the USA which aim to hold tobacco companies responsible for the effects of smoking on the health of long term smokers.

How did the tobacco companies avoid bankruptcy?

Tobacco companies avoid bankruptcy because they are a multi-billion-dollar franchise and because of that the government just turns their heads and lets them do what they want and the should be ashamed of themselves.

Should tobacco companies get sued for people getting sick because of smoking?

no cus its the peoples fault

Should tobacco companies be responsible for their customers actions?

They do not have any responsibility for their customer because the customers made the decision to smoke. So since they want the tobacco they can take everything that comes with it. People hear about tobacco uses and how they affect your body but apparently they don't listen so they can not hold any tobacco company responsible for deaths or and diseases that come with smoking. I agree with the above whole heartedly. They are selling a legal product, and the buyer should be accepting all the liabilities associated with that product, or not buy the product in the first place. An analogy to this scenario ... I buy a lawnmower from Frimfratz Company, and it accidentally cuts off my big toe ... so Frimfratz Company is then responsible for everyone that loses their big toe? Hardly.

How long should you wait to apply for Life insurance after quiting chewing tobacco?

Chewing tobacco underwriting varies by company. Some life insurance companies will consider you to be a tobacco user for 1 year after you quit chewing. The good news is that there are some life insurance companies that could care less about chewing tobacco and will offer you their non-tobacco life insurance rates today! In fact, you could chew tobacco at your insurance paramed exam and still qualify for non-tobacco rates.

Should tobacco companies be held responsi for smoking-related illnesses and deaths?

no because you they warn you about the concequences of smoking or chewing

Why should tobacco companies be held for illnesss and death?

i dont think so- yes some illnes and death is terrible but its an option to chew or smoke tobacco. holding them responsible is like crying when the fire burns you-- it was your choice to play with the fire.

Should tobacco be banned in pharmacies?

Yea, tobacco should be banned in pharmacies. In fact, tobacco which causes cancer,its users should be restricted in pharmacies to set an example against the impending dangers of using tobacco.