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In general, toilet paper can be dispensed from wither side, seeing as it rolls off. however looking back into the military and at high priced hotels, having the paper roll over and away from the wall show best convenience. This manner also allows for the famous hotel fold which brings an even more aesthetic feel to a bathroom.

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Q: Should toilet paper dispense from the top or the bottom?
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Related questions

What is a toilet roll?

thin paper to wipe your bottom with

Should you flush your toilet paper or throw it in the basket?

flushing ones toilet paper depends on the grade, you shouldn't be throwing heavy or very course toilet paper into the toilet as it causes blockages. keep to thin toilet paper for when actually using the toilet and use the heavier and courser toilet paper for when drying your hands and put it into the basket.

What mental illness is associated with eating toilet paper?

Hitting rock bottom.

Do British use toilet paper?

Yes, every nationally, every race, and every person should use toilet paper.

How many varieties of toilet paper should I use?

Usually, most people will only use one type of toilet paper and then maybe a baby wipe as well. You will have to find the toilet paper that is right for you.

Why should you not throw toilet paper in the toilet bowl?

You should throw it in the bowl. That is the correct place for it, just not huge clumps of it.

What toilet paper is best?

Best in which country? And do you mean most comfortable for your bottom or kindest to the environment?

Can you make toilet paper diapers?

Just rap it around your bottom five times or more

What should be in a emergency supply kit?

Extra toilet paper.

Is all recycled toilet paper made from used toilet paper?

Recycled toilet paper is made from used paper. It isn't made from used toilet paper. That would be gross.

If your cats love to unroll the toilet paper how do you get them to stop?

To prevent your cat from unrolling the toilet paper squeeze the cardboard insert before placing it in the holder. The roll will not spin around as easily. Also position the paper so it unrolls from the bottom and not the top.

Where can I get toilet paper coupons?

The main toilet paper manufacturer that allows you to print your own coupons is Charmin. Here is a link to their website: