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No, it's highly unlikely that implantation bleeding is heavy enough to be able to safely use a tampon (using tampons withoutsufficientflow leads to increased vaginal damage, in turn higher risk of TSS) and it will not have a consistent flow pattern so you'd not know when it would stop or when blood flow may reduce.

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9y ago

No, you shouldn't use tampons for bleeding during pregnancy. You have no way of knowing how heavy the bleeding would be in order to know what absorbency to use safely, also during pregnancy your risks of infection are higher so using tampons will put you at greater risk again. You can safely use menstrual cups or softcups, but it's best to use pads - also if bleeding during pregnancy always consult your doctor.

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8y ago

No, you shouldn't use tampons unless you are menstruating.

Tampons will absorb vaginal moisture resulting in damage to the vaginal tissues, this damage allows bacterial toxins responsible for TSS to enter into the bloodstream so increasing the risk of TSS - not to mention that it would be uncomfortable. Spotting from implantation isn't nearly heavy enough to use tampons for, tampons shouldn't be used for any sort of spotting full-stop. If you're spotting then use a pad or a pantiliner, you can also safely use menstrual cups or softcups.

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14y ago

I'm only 13 and i use liners. haahahahahahahahahahahahaha thEY are fantastic to use because they don't give me rashes

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you can

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Q: When you have implantation bleeding should you wear a tampon?
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The bleeding caused by implantation shouldn't be heavy - it should only really be enough to wear a pantyliner for

Can you wear a tampon to stop vaginal bleeding if you are pregnant?

I wouldn't recommend a tampon because of the risk of infection. However, using a menstrual cup should be fine!

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Implantation bleeding is when the fertilised egg implants in the lining of the uterus. It generally occurs when your period would be and is not much blood - hardly enough to wear a pantyliner

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You need to weAR A tampon. Or if your not sure if a tampon will protect you fully, wear a panty liner.

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you should put in a tampon and wear a pad in your underwear

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A tampon obviously

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A tampon and a pair of dark wash jeans

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Wear a sanitary napkin/tampon.

When you swim or take a shower will this delay your period for a few moments?

NO! You need to wear a tampon in the bathtub and shower to avoid bleeding all over the place!

What should you do if your period is due but you want to go swimming?

you either have to stop or wear a tampon

Steps to control vaginal bleeding?

first: insert tampon second: put on a diaper third: dont go out in public but deeeeffff wear white pants

What happens if you use a tampon during implantation bleeding?

Ask every doctor, they will all strongly advise against it. A miscarriage is a pregnancy that your body rejected. The way your body rejects it you will vaginally bleed the rejected pregnancy. The blood that comes out is all sorts of bacteria. The reason why DON'T wear tampons during the bleeding process of the miscarriage is because the tampon is inside of you trapping the bacteria. When the tampon is in, the bacteria has no where else to go. So in turn, the bacteria embeds itself in your uterus and can cause complications if no medical attention is sought. So some life-saving advice is DO NOT WEAR TAMPONS DURING THE BLEEDING FROM THE MISCARRIAGE!!!!