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This is a "it depends" question.

The variable here is how fast is too fast? Different ages have certain limits on what is considered "normal" For the adult, 60-100 is a normal range (and the heart rate is a range). A fast heart rate can be caused by many things including excitement, exercise, fever, or stress. If you had just run a mile and had a heart rate of 140, there is no need to be concerned about that number. You should be more concerned about how you feel with that number. If you have a heart rate of 140 after running and you feel great, there is nothing to worry about, but if you are resting and have a heart rate of 140 with chest pain, you need to be evaluated.

If there are times when your heart begins beating fast for no reason and may cause symptoms such as nausea, light-headed feelings, chest pain, shortness of breath, or any other strange symptoms, this is cause for concern and needs immediate follow-up.

When someone talks about a fast heart rate, actually make sure an accurate pulse has been taken (radial or carotid) and not someone just saying it's "racing". Early beats of the heart are described a "racing" though there is actually a normal rate.

If you have a heart rate that jumps above 100 every time you do something, you may need to consider work out program to get more cardiovascularly fit.

The main point here needs to be, the number is not really the point. Yes numbers larger than 200 are a big problem (for adults) but any heart rate change that is now bringing symptoms needs evaluation.

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Q: Should u worry if you have a high heart rate?
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At rest the normal heart rate of a newborn is 100 to 160 beats per minute; between the ages of 1 and 10 is 60 to 140 beats per minute; and 11 to 17 is 60 to 100 beats per minute. You should contact a doctor if the heart rate is higher or lower than this.

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It depends on the adult's age, and weight. If you Google it, you should find a few tables, or programs to calculate what your heart rate should be. Anyway, heart rate is not your main concern, as it varies from person to person, you should worry more about things like cholesterol.

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the baby's heart rate, should on adverage be 10% lower then ours. So if its higher somethings wrong

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If heart baet is high so is it necssary that blood pressure should also be high?

No not always. If someone is bleeding badly for example their blood pressure will be low but heart rate high as a compensation. Blood pressure and heart rate are usually inversly related.

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because you are also worry or get excited or anything that makes you get excited can speed up your heart rate

4 A resting heart rate indicates a strong high level of cardiovascular health?

Low RESTING heart rate. I hear it should be 60 bpm and the like.

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