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No we should not, it shouldn't even be an option in such a technologically advanced day and age as today. But, tragically, it still is.

When a product is tested on an animal (usually rat, mouse, rabbit, and sometimes monkeys and even dogs and cats) the animal in question is held in a restraint and products are rubbed into his eyes, skin, fur, and even inside his mouth. The products often burn, blister, and blind him.

It would be like when you get shampoo in your eyes and it burns, but 800x worse and you're not allowed to rinse it out after two seconds. And then afterwards you can't see. And your eyes still burn.

Once the animal is "unusable" he is murdered, not in a humane way, and forgotten about.

Even if your BFF is Satan and you don't care about an innocent animal's welfare, there are other reasons that testing shouldn't still be a 'thing'.

Animals and humans are completely different. Their body structure, skeleton, nervous system, etc, is not the same as yours.

When a product is tested on a pregnant female rat, for instance, it will not have the same outcome as when a pregnant female human uses the same product.

So, to sum it up, testing a product of any kind on an animal of any kind is the work of the Devil and the people that still do/allow it should burn in the hottest depths of Hell for eternity.

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8y ago

We should not because animals don't have the same rights as we do which is not right. They wouldn't test things on people so why test them on animals. We could be killing off lots of animals. So, the answer is no, we should not test ant kind of products on animals.

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