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The textbook answer would be that both Mexico and China are undemocratic, but in real life the answer is much more complicated:

China is a communist nation with a single party, so it may look as undemocratic to most western countries; however take a look at the U.S. system of government: there are only two actual parties, which aren't that different from each other, so the "choice" is just an illusion. Also, the way the Electoral College works, makes the U.S. as undemocratic as China in the eyes of most Europeans.

Now, Mexican institutions are weak and corruptible so the actual winner of an election may have bought his position, but again, look at U.S. Politics during the 2016 election: candidates are so bad that American people is actually deciding which one is the least bad: the corrupt, pro-military hawk, or the "businessman" who is supported by most white-supremacist groups.

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Q: Should we consider election held in china and Mexico are democratic election?
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