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Even if it were possible, we should not try to eliminate the greenhouse effect entirely - the result would be for temperatures to fall well below freezing and make it difficult for humans to survive. We need the natural greenhouse effect that keeps the world at a comfortable temperature suitable for human existence.

It is probably too late now to eliminate the enhanced greenhouse effect resulting from two centuries of human activities that poured carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. What we can and should do is to begin now to reduce our further emissions of greenhouse gaes, so that later in this century we can eliminate any anthropogenic addition to the greenhgouse effect.

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1d ago

No, we should not try to totally eliminate the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that helps keep Earth warm enough to support life. However, it is important to address human activities that are enhancing the greenhouse effect and causing global warming.

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Should you try to eliminate the greenhouse effect?

No. We need the greenhouse effect which has kept the earth warm enough for life for millions of years. But we should try to eliminate the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

What is the process by which gases in the atmosphere absorb and reradiate heat?

Greenhouse Effect

Should the earth always had a greenhouse effect?

The earth has always had the greenhouse effect. It is what stops us from freezing so far away from the sun.

Why can you not eliminate the green house effect totally?

The greenhouse effect must be discussed in two settings - the natural case and the enhanced (or manmade) greenhouse effect. The natural greenhouse effect keeps the planet at a stable temperature which is considerably warmer than that of a ball of rock at the Earth's distance from the sum. This has allowed the Earth to have liquid oceans and life. Eliminating this effect entirely would make the Earth unpleasant and uninhabitable. The enhanced or man made greenhouse effect is changing the speed at which the climate is changing. This can create a number of problems such as changes in weather patterns, affect the severity of storms, and allow the migration of growing zones for plants and animals. This portion of the effect is subject to control attempts to minimize problems with the quality of human life (famine, disease, drought and lifestyle)

What is a sentence with greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the natural way that the Earth keeps warm. Too many extra greenhouse gases turn the greenhouse effect into an enhanced greenhouse effect. The enhanced, or accelerated, greenhouse effect is causing global warming.

The trapping of heat by a planet's atmosphere is called what?

The trapping of heat by a planet's atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. This occurs when gases like carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere trap heat radiating from the planet's surface, leading to a warming effect.

What is another name for enhanced greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the natural process by which greenhouse gases keep the earth's temperature at a comfortable level suitable for human existence. The enhanced greenhouse effect is the increase in greenhouse gases that is leading to global warming. The term "enhanced greenhouse effect" is also referred to as the "anthropogenic greenhouse effect" and is the idea that humans may have an effect on global climate. It is also referred to as the "runaway greenhouse effect".

Trapping of heat in the earths atmosphere by certain gases is known as the?

greenhouse effect

How do you use The greenhouse effect in a sentence?

the greenhouse effect is a global phenomenon.

What do humans do to effect the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect keeps us all warm enough for life.The enhanced greenhouse effect causes global warming.

When did the Greenhouse effect start?

The greenhouse effect has been a natural phenomenon on Earth for millions of years. However, human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have significantly increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, intensifying the greenhouse effect and leading to global warming.

The effect is the process by which gases in the atmosphere trap heat?

The greenhouse effect