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That depends on your goal. Why are you using goat's milk? If you are using it as infant formula, ask your Doctor.

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Q: Should you add water to the goats milk?
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Can you bottle feed baby goats cows milk?

Goats milk may cause some irritation to their digestive system as it is very rich. It is not best to feed them goats milk, however, if you do feed them very little or add water to it.

Do you add water to evaporated milk?

A cup of water plus a cup of evaporated milk should do the same as two cups of milk.

What formula should you feed a 3 week puppy dog?

Warmed Goats milk. You can find canned goat's milk at a supermarket. It is a near perfect replacement for doggie mothers milk. You can add baby cereal to give it some substance when the pup is lapping well and then add warm water soaked kibble as the pup progresses.

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you add water. 1/2 cup of evap milk and 1/2 cup of water = 1 cup of milk

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Add Water

Why does coconut milk taste sweet?

You might want to add a bit of sugar to it.

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You may be referring to condensed soup, to which you usually add water or milk.

Can you add condensed milk in chocolate milk shake?

Yes yust add a litle water it will taste a litle different though.

What happens when you add honey to milk?

The milk sweetens and will taste honey-ish

Does milk mix with water?

Milk does not dissolve into water because some of the particles are still floating around the object that you have put it in.But itโ€™s my prediction and I believe that it canโ€™t even thought maybe some of it may but it is not fully dissolved.

How do you convert milk powder to milk?

you get the milk powder and you mix it with the water (hot or cold) your choice

Can you mix water and oveltine?

It will say "Just add Water" on the package right above the big "Ovaltine" logo. Some are add water, some are add milk.