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No, you shouldn't be worried, but you may want to find out how severe his autism is so that you are able to understand his behaviour.

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Q: Should you be worried about your boyfriend being autistic?
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There is no specific term for someone who is afraid of being Autistic.A person is Autistic or they are not, it is pointless being an Autistic person who is scared of being themselves or a neurotypical person who is scared of being something they could never possibly be. Fear of Autism in general is just plain ableism, discrimination against Autistic people.

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No, Johnny Depp is not autistic, or at least he has not publically identified himself as autistic. He doesn't show any obvious signs of being autistic either.

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Some people with autism have tried passing for normal because of being bullied or judged in the past. And they knew later on how it affected them. Being normal can block out our energy and can drain out everything in us. If we were being normal everyday, we would be boring. Some autistic people don't mind being called normal. But for some, they do find it offensive-same with me. Because they think that's how neurotypical people would approve of them. Autistic people should not be ashamed of being autistic-even I'm not. If some people don't approve their autistic behavior-it's mostly their problem. Autistic people shouldn't try to be someone that they truly aren't to impress other people and so people around them wouldn't feel embarresed.

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Should you have a boyfriend?

only if you are a girl you can if your a boy to haveing a boyfriend is not compulsery personly i prefer being single