

Best Answer

If this is a change in your menstruation, yes you should get it checked out. If you have been having irregular periods for awhile, or if you are still a teenager, then don't worry about it.

Some other signs of ovarian cancer include:

  • feeling bloated all the time
  • pelvic or abdominal pain
  • trouble eating or feeling full very quickly
  • urinary symptoms like having to go frequently and suddenly (urgency)
  • unusual fatigue
  • pain during sex
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Q: Should you be worried if you have irregular periods and a family history of ovarian cancer?
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What should i do. I did not have yet my menstruation since may 2009 until nowi don't have boyfriend so I'm not worried about about pregnant?

You should go see your gynecologist. You may have something called Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. It causes irregular periods, facial hair, weight gain and insulin resistance. Talk to your doctor about it.

What if you have a period close together?

The menstrual cycle is a very sensitive thing and can become irregular for a number of reasons. Irregular periods aren't unusual as they affect about 30% of women in their reproductive years. An irregular period is any type of bleeding that is abnormal when compared to your usual menstrual cycle. This can include a late period, an early period or bleeding between periods. It can also appear as particularly heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) or scanty bleeding. Many women also experience irregular periods in the form of a missed period, continuous periods, or periods that occur twice in one cycle. Irregular menstrual periods are usually the result of hormonal signals that have been thrown out of sync. In order to produce a period, your body makes hormones, like estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are kept in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries inside your body. In order to trigger ovulation and menstruation, these parts of the body need to send signals to one another. Sometimes, these signals get crossed or skipped, causing irregular periods. But what causes these hormone signals to get out of whack? Well, there are actually a number of things that can easily cause your hormone levels to change. * Pregnancy: If you are pregnant, your body will begin producing different levels of hormones. This will cause numerous pregnancy symptoms, including an end to your period. * Conditions of the reproductive organs giving rise to pain include endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, fibroids and problems related to the early stages of pregnancy such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. * Stress: Stress is a common cause of irregular periods. If you are fatigued, worried, or anxious this can cause your hormones to become unbalanced. * Diet: A poor diet or extreme weight loss or gain can also affect your hormones. Women with anorexia or bulimia often have no period or irregular periods. * Exercise: Intense exercise can wreak havoc on your body, often causing irregular periods. * Menarche: the cycles after a girl's first period may be irregular for some time. It can take up to 3 years to get regular periods. * Menopause: Menopause causes changes in your hormone levels, and is often signaled by irregular periods. * Hormonal Birth Control: Birth control pills and irregular periods sometimes go hand in hand. It can take a while for your body to adjust to the new levels of hormones delivered by hormonal birth control. For most women, an irregular period is nothing to be worried about as the majority of women will eventually develop a regular cycle with regular periods. Sometimes though, underlying complications can be the cause of these period problems. If you are noticing particularly irregular periods, or have gone a year or more with missed periods, see your doctor. If you experience extreme cramping, heavy period bleeding, dizziness, nausea, or fainting you should also visit with your doctor. I would recommend that if this continues that you see your doctor/gyneacologist to have them evaluate the situation further. I hope this helped answer your question. Good luck :)

Is it normal if a 12 year old girl misses her period for two or more months?

As long as you're not sexually active and have recently started to have periods it is not uncommon for them to be irregular. If you're worried talk to your mum or gp

Is it normal after a Depo Provera shot in June to have one period in mid August no period since then and now in October have some cramping?

Yes. It can cause very irregular periods. Perhaps you should see your doctor if you are worried.

When going off birth control should someone be worried that her period is now 5 days late?

No, when going off birth control your body takes a little bit to get used to it and it is very normal to have irregular periods for awhile.

I had my period on the 1 now its the 12 is that normal?

Sorry but this question isn't very clear. . . If your period was due on the 1st then that is normal yes. If you are bleeding again on the 12th and you had your period on the 1st then this is normal if you have just started your periods within the last year. If you are on birth control, have irregular periods, are stress or worried about something then this will cause two periods in one month but see your doctor for a check up.

Why irreggular periods happens?

Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, it occurs after ovulation if the egg released is not fertilised, thus if ovulation is irregular menstruation will be irregular too. This is common during puberty as it takes time for your body to reach a point where it is mature enough to ovulate on a regular basis and hormonal imbalance is normal. Ill-health such as stress or unhealthy weight can cause irregular cycles too, also some medical conditions. If worried talk to your doctor to look into why you have irregular cycles.

Can periods stop with IBS?

it shouldn't but if you are worried talk to someone who have more info than wiki answers, they have no info if you are worried about this. ~ sorry :/ :)

What does it mean when you have a light period two weeks after you had one when you are always regular and now you are five days late of your next period?

you could be starting to get irregular periods and if your periods are late it can be caused by stress, diet, age, etc. Don't worry periods can change one month to the next month they can be light or heavy don't stress. If your really worried go see a doctor and if you think your pregnant ask if you can have a blood test

Should you be worried If My periods are late?

Not as long as you keep having them. If they are regular that is what is normal for you. If not they can be regulated.

Is it normal you don have your periods at the age 13 year old?

Not it is normal, so there is nothing to be worried about (:

Should i be worried that i have started to have periods every two weeks?

yes, you should visit a doctor