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I would recommend you buy a baby cockatiel. That way it would be more likely to bond with you.

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Q: Should you buy a 5 year lutino cockatiel or a baby cockatiel?
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How does a cockatiel age?

It varies from bird to bird but after a year the bird should have reached maturity.

Is it OK to have a cockatiel in your house with a 3 year old?

It's not recommended to have a cockatiel in your house with a child who's age is less than 5. Maybe you should wait a few more years.

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1 human year = 4 cockatiel years

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Your cockatiels should be at least a year old before you start breeding them to prevent ill offspring.

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A baby should start drinking full cream milk after one year and not earlier than that.

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Baby's body weight should be triple after 1 year. so for an infant with a birthweight of 8 lbs, this baby should weught 24 lbs after 1 year.

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no.... fistly she should make a career.. you can have a baby at any age but you cant make a career if this age is passed and you did nothing!!! !!