

Best Answer
  • It is not necessary to buy a gift for someone when you ask them to go steady (meaning neither of you date anyone else.) If the girl accepts sometimes a young man may give her a class ring; a piece of jewelry (example: a half of a heart on a chain and he wears the other half.)
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Q: Should you buy a gift when you ask someone to go steady with you?
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i personally feel that you should ask someone what gift they want! it is not worth spending cash and buying someone a gift they might not need ! In case you do not want to ask him\her try asking their parents .. or give them something that would make them remember you!

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You can only ask for someone to give you a gift on their pinboards. Otherwise, no.

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Have someone you KNOW (make sure its your friend or someone you know cause if you ask someone you dont know to gift you, chances are they're gunna ask you for kills and you will never get gifted) that has Gcoins to gift you. There is a gift button the available gift buttons.

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you dont are you stupid you

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Going steady means they are going out on a regular basis, and they are not dating anyone else.

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That's not for us to ask. All the time we have is a gift and we should enjoy what we're given and how long we're given with people. Have a good time while you can.

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You could ask for money or an iTunes gift card, or clothes.

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It means when you bring someone a gift when the person receiving the gift didn't ask for that gift or ask for any gifts at all. Hence, non-requested

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it's a gift for me.;)ðŸĪŠ

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ahem, you should ask someone ahem, you should ask someone

How do you ask someone why they bought you a gift without sounding rude?

You don't need to ask why. Just be gracious and thank them.

Where can I buy good friendship bracelets?

The best thing I would think someone in your position should do is go out to a craft store, buy some string and a bunch of beads, and create your own friendship bracelet. A gift that is made by you and by hand is the best gift someone could ask for!