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If you have the option of setting up an installment plan with your student loan lender (or any other lender), that is always a better bet than having your wages garnished.

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Q: Should you continue having your wages garnished or should you set up an installment plan with your education loan lender?
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You should in fact receive a letter from who the creditor is and if they are being garnished your employer should send you all the information that was sent to them in order for them to proceed with the garnishment.

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What you do for a living means nothing. If you have a debt that is garnished, the money will be taken. If the garnishment is for taxes, you should have paid them when you were supposed to.

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Can you have your wages garnished for not paying back a loan?

As you have showed the bank your salary form , and if you fail to pay the money the intrest you should pay to the bank , then your pay will be garnished.

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If your asking if you can get fired from a job because your earnings are being garnished for some sort of reason , then the answer is no , and if court has anything to do with it , then you should definitly show up .

How should Malay food be garnished?

Malay food should be garnished with items such as shallots and spring onion. Use foods that coordinate well with the dish being served. Spring onion can be made into curls, shallots can be fried.