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You can drink sports drinks anytime you want! Just atleast be walking around , Or else you will get dizy .

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Q: Should you drink sports drinks without activity?
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Why are sports drinks recommended to prevent or treat dehydration?

They replace electrolytes lost during heavy activity.

How much pop or sports drinks should you have daily?

3 or less

Which factor should you consider when taking sports drinks?

Hydrating ability

Why should athletes drink sports drinks and not pure water during vigorous traning?

Sports drinks replace electrolytes and salt that were lost during exertion.

Why do people think that proteins and sports drinks should not be used?

because theyre thirsty.

What kind of things do students with diabetes need to think about during gym class or sports?

During gym class or sports, students with diabetes must keep in mind that all energy expenditures can drop the blood sugar. They need to test before activity to know a baseline, and test after activity to know how much glucose the body needs. A small snack or milk before activity can often keep the glucose level from falling too badly during the activity. However, they should also have drinks during the activity (but not cola or sugary drinks) to keep blood glucose stable. They should also be aware that many diabetics realize the foods eaten or activity of the day before can affect morning blood sugar the day after the activity or food consumption.

What are some sports drinks?

Sport drinks are Gatorade and Powerade

What has more sugar sport drinks or soda?

sports drinks

Why is chocolate milk preferable to a sports drink for hydration?

Here's the break down of when to drink water and when to drink sports drinks: You should drink water when you are exercising for less than an hour. Your body needs hydration to replace the sweat loss, and water is the best thing for you. Sports drinks (like Gatorade, Propel, Powerade, etc.) should be drunken when exercising for more than an hour. At that point, your body needs the carbohydrates and electrolytes that most sports drinks contain in order to continue working at a high level. Overall: Drink Sports Drinks more often than water, but you should drink water along with Sports Drinks because Water keeps you hydrated, and Sports Drinks give you what's necessary to keep exercising.

Which factor should you think about when you consider getting water from sports drinks?

the amount of time that you are going to exercise

Are sports drinks good for plants?

sports drinks are not good for plants actually they make plants die! hope this answer is true!

Why kids should be able to drink sports drinks in school?

because it has lots of sugar and sugar helps you focus