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If it is a good friendship don't end it tell them your not in to dating them and you just want to stay as friends if they are really a good friend they will understand.

I Think you shouldn't. It's possible that you'll love him/her later. A very good friendship may turn into love further on. Don't miss it.

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Q: Should you end a close very good friendship because you know the person loves you but you will only hurt him because you don't love them back?
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` friendship tooo me is a person yew can trust alot,+& know they will be there for yew +& yew can havefun withthem when you can "see" what your friend is saying without them speaking. when you can give what the person "needs" instead of giving what "you" want to give. that is an unselfish friendship.

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Does Phineas and Ferb show good friendship?

Phineas and Ferb shows several examples of good friendship. It shows how close you should be with your friends, and how you should always be a positive influence in your friends' lives.

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A person can always forgive, but may not forget when a close friend hurts them. It is up to the two friends if they want to work together to re-establish that friendship.

What is friendship to you?

Friendship is a way to help express your feeling to someone close to you

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For some, the difference between a casual friendship and a close friendship is a matter of loyalty and trust. Close friends share information that they might not share with anyone else. But each person judges friendship differently. For instance, some people prefer not to have more than one or two close friends while others may trust a larger number of confidants.Interestingly, researchers have learned that casual friendships are just as important for people as close friendships. It's good for our mental health to have some people who are just "fun friends," and others that we turn to for more serious support.

Why is frienship considered as masterpiece?

Friendship is considered a masterpiece because because when you go through life the friends you'll have will be have will be different from each other as well as your love to them and there is always that friend that so close to you you'd never find another person like that :)

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Anyone that has a close friend.

Three of my really close friends have started liking me. But if i go out with one of them the other two will get hurt because their bbf. plus their all older than me by 32and1 years what should i do?

i think that best friends should just stay best friends because going out with them and getting close will ruin the best friendship when you break up, and people usally say lets be friends but that is just a break up line they never mean it, unless you really like the guy then go for it but i am not sure if you will have the same friendship waiting for you when you break up.