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Q: Should you fast before Anglican communion?
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Do you fast on Holy Thursday?

On Holy Thursday you do not have to fast on Good Friday however you do.

What is meant by the phrase The Eucharistic Fast?

the Eucharistic Fast is the fast from food and drink which is to be observed before receiving Communion.

What you must do before going to Holy Communion?

Be in a state of Grace and fast

Can you eat before holy mass?

.Catholic AnswerThere is no rule about drinking and eating before Mass, EXCEPT if you want to receive Holy Communion. There is a rule that you must be fasting from all food and liquids (save water) for sixty minutes before receiving Holy Communion, unless you are sick at home, or in the hospital and a minister brings you Holy Communion, then the rule is 15 minutes.

If you fast for the 3 days before Easter Thursday Friday and Saturday can you still take communion on Friday?

yes NO::: a fast means you eat no food...this includes communion waffers, crackers or bread which ever the church uses for communion.

What are three conditions for receiving holy communion worthily?

You must fast an hour before you receive communion and you must be in the state of grace! GOD BLESS. FRIENDSOFTONY.ORG

How long do you fast before you may receive Holy Communion?

You are supposed to fast for one hour prior to communion. Most Catholics are unaware of that requirement, so it is not often practiced. Also, since Communion is late in the mass, as long as you weren't eating or chewing gum in church, you probably accomplish that just by being there.Roman Catholic AnswerBy not eating or drinking (save water) for one hour prior to Holy Communion. This is much mitigated. Before it used to be three hours, and before that it was a total fast (even water) from midnight until one received Holy Communion. There is an exception for the sick being giving Holy Communion outside of Mass, in this case, the fast is only fifteen minutes. The fast is to show respect for receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. You should not receive during that Mass if you haven't fasted for at least one hour, but make a spiritual Communion.As a sacrifice and to maintain the sacredness of the sacrament, fasting means no food or drink one hour before receiving communion. Water is OK. It used to be fast after midnight on the Sunday you receive communion, but that was changed over 40 years ago to the current practice

When is it not okay to take communion?

It is not okay for someone to receive Holy Communion in a Catholic Church if he or she:1) is not Catholic2) is excommunicated3) is not in union with the Catholic Church and everything she teaches4) is not in the state of grace5) has not observed the proper fast before the reception of Holy Communion.If any one or more of these factors is present that person must not receive Holy Communion.

What preparations should be made before going on a juice fast or juice therapies?

People should consult a medical practitioner before beginning a fast or Gerson therapy. The medical professional can determine whether it's safe to fast and how long the fast should last.

Should you fast before a sed rate test?

No. it is not necessary to fast before an ESR (erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) test

Should you fast before taking a semen analysis?


How long should you abstain before holy communion?

Catholics are supposed to fast on Ash Wednesday (i.e. the first day of lent) and Good Friday (the day when Jesus Christ died on the Cross)Normally people skip their breakfast and lunch. This rule is application for people between the age 18 - 60 years.