

Should you feed your bearded dragon greens and crickets?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Should you feed your bearded dragon greens and crickets?
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What is the diet plan of a bearded dragon?

The diet plan of a bearded dragon consists of between 25 and 50 insects per week such as crickets and worms and salad using a variety of greens, vegetables and fruits.

What Food does a Bearded Dragon's Eat?

All Dragon's eat the same thing. For protein there are crickets, roaches, dubai's and even pinkie mice for treats when their older. For veggies and greens there are Alfalfa sprouts, collard greens, dandelion greens, squash, turnip greens, blueberries, carrots, apples

What food does a red bearded dragon eat?

All Dragon's eat the same thing. For protein there are crickets, roaches, dubai's and even pinkie mice for treats when their older. For veggies and greens there are Alfalfa sprouts, collard greens, dandelion greens, squash, turnip greens, blueberries, carrots, apples

How much should you feed your 2 month old bearded dragon?

Give maybe 2 small locust or 3 crickets at most along with fresh greens and water, although you will need to watch in case they decide to stop eating or seem to require more. I know this as i have a bearded dragon myself

What are the effects of bearded dragon brumation?

The effects of bearded dragon brumation are Sleepiness and a decrease in eating but they will wake up and eat normally. If your bearded dragon does not eat foods like pear, apple crickets, leaf greens and various vegetables at all, does not wake up and twitchy movements in the limbs, your bearded dragon is suffering from stress and could possibly end up in dead.

What to feed your baby bearded dragon?

The best diet for a baby bearded dragon is what they call "pinhead crickets" which are basically really tiny crickets. They also need fresh greens like romaine lettuce and need to be misted several times a day for the first couple of weeks after they are hatched. As they get bigger they stop needing to be misted because they get moisture from their greens. You may also want to think about a calcium supplement powder to sprinkle onto the crickets as well as the greens. The most important thing to remember about bearded dragons is that they are desert lizards and need high heat as well as high levels of UVB light to thrive. If they do not have both of these they will die.

How many crickets should a 2 year old bearded dragon eat a day?

about 32 two or three times a week. with a daily salad of dark greens veggies and fruit. no iceburg though. gives the beardie the runs and dehydrates them.

Your bearded dragon wont eat vegys what should you do?

Try feeding the greens to it in the morning and then feed the crickets at night.

What plants live around bearded dragons?

They can eat mice, crickets, mealworms, grapes, apple chunks, Earthworms, NEVER feed them iceberg lettuce, grated carrots, kale, dandelion greens, escarole, mustard greens, and a lot more.

Why is an earthworm best to feed a bearded dragon lizard?

Earthworms can be part of a good diet for bearded dragons, which also eat crickets, silkworms, feeder roaches, chopped collards, mustard greens, dandelion greens, and turnip tops. Earthworms have a good calcium/phosphorus ratio (like silkworms), while crickets should be supplemented with calcium powder. Earthworms do pose a risk of transmitting capillaria parasite. Captive reptiles that eat live foods should be tested annually for internal parasites, as part of their regular annual vet checkup.

Can bearded dragons eat coconut?

No. Feed them crickets, mealworms or roaches from a local pet store no bigger than the width between the Bearded Dragon's eyes. That should be half the diet (about 80% when it's a baby). The rest should be dark leafy greens like collard greens, spinach (there are myths that spinach is harmful because of oxylates, but this is false), kale, and bok choy. Lettuce isn't a very good staple food, even romaine.

How to train beared dragons to eat pellets?

Pellets consist mainly of corn, which shouldn't be a Beardie's staple food. Feed your Bearded Dragon as many crickets as it'll eat in 10-15 minutes (once a day for an adult, three times a day for a baby) and offer Collards, Mustard Greens, and/or Dandelion Greens every day. Be sure to mist the greens with water and dust the crickets with calcium powder.