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yeah absolutely i must feel bad. because to hurt someone by heart is like to kill to that someone

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12y ago

it really depends on who the person is...if its not someone you care about all that much i don't see why you would have to feeel sorry for them lol...but that's just my personal opinion

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Q: Should you feel bad if you don't feel sorry for someone who is hurt i know it sounds stupid but i was just wondering.?
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Is demented another word for stupid?

No, demented does not mean stupid. Demented is often used to describe someone who is suffering from a serious mental disorder, such as dementia, that impairs their cognitive abilities. It is not appropriate to use demented as a synonym for stupid.

A student from America can't ask this question about the Vietnam for a report why are they called gay for asking the question?

It is not appropriate or accurate to insult or discredit someone for asking a question about Vietnam or any other topic for a report. Students should be encouraged to ask questions and seek information from a variety of sources to further their understanding of different cultures and histories. Name-calling or discrimination based on genuine curiosity is unjust and unproductive.

What is the meaning of weak in the head?

"Weak in the head" is an informal idiom that means someone is not very intelligent or has poor judgment. It suggests that the person is not very mentally sharp or capable.

Why do people call other people stupid?

People may call others stupid out of frustration, anger, or a desire to assert dominance. It can stem from a lack of empathy, insecurity, or a need to feel superior. Overall, name-calling like this is unproductive and harmful to relationships.

What should you do if you have a stupid little brother and you hate him but you can't be mean to him '' cause he is stupid''?

It's important to treat all family members with respect, even if you have differences. Instead of focusing on hate, try to find ways to communicate and build a better relationship with your brother. Focus on understanding and tolerance, and seek help if needed.

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