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The best time to floss your teeth is after eating. If there is food stuck in your teeth, you would not want to leave it there all night long and only remove it when you wake up in the morning. Your teeth will decay all night long.

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Q: Should you floss your teeth first thing in the morning when you get up?
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How Many Times Do You Floss A Day?

You should floss your teeth every time you brush them.

What can you do to stop plaque?

By brushing your teeth with Colgate toothpaste every morning and night and use mouthwash every morning and night and floss very well between your teeth.

How do you floss?

To floss, take floss and run it through your teeth. You want to run it between your teeth so that you get everything out from in between your teeth.

When should parent start making their children brush and floss?

Parents should play a game with their children (children love to immulate their parents) by letting them floss when they have their first teeth in (the parent should watch so the child doesn't cut their gums) even when some front teeth are falling out.

What are the 5 ways of looking after your teeth?

Floss, brush your teeth four times a day (in the morning, after breakfast, after lunch, at bed.) Wash with mouthwash, and brush behind teeth.

How do you floss your teeth?

You pull a thread between your teeth. Floss is a term for a thread used in embroidery - now used for dental floss.

What should you use for interdental cleaning?

Floss is used for cleaning between teeth.

What is the smooth silky thread used to clean teeth?

It's called dental floss. Using floss, you can remove food and plaque between the teeth.

What do you do if something is stuck in your gum?

you should brush your teeth and do floss. The next day it will be gone!

If you brush your teeth in the morning and mouthwash at night will that wear out your enamel?

No, it is normal to brush your teeth twice a day then floss, followed by rinsing your mouth with mouthwash. It will not cause wear on the enamel.

Does Steve Martin floss his teeth?

yeah, he does. With a glide floss and his finger

How do you floss with spacers?

With spacers, you can floss normally, but defonatly DO NOT floss between the teeth that you have spacers in , because they will be fulled out and then you will have to get them replaced again. Just wait until they have been taken out to floss between those teeth.