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There is a great debate about this. If a doe is not producing enough milk OR she has an extremely large litter you might help supplement her by giving a FEW extra treats - carrot tops, apple slices, orange slices, celery all in moderation. To help increase milk production you could give 2 pellets of calf manna a day. (That's right I said 2 pellets only.)

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Q: Should you give mother rabbit extra nutrients?
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What does a rabbit do to the old litter if she gives birth too another?

She eats them because she needs the extra nutrients to support the new ones.

What are the danagers of the mother rabbit breeding with her offspring?

If a mother or a father rabbit breed with their offspring, the kits they produce could have mutations, like an extra leg, or malformed hearts. There is a very high chance that the kits will die soon after birth with these types of defects.

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When two baby rabbit is the mother rabbit dangerous?

it is not dangerus but you need to make the mother rabbit feel extra comfortableand try to keep the baby rabbit safe and not let them fightbelley9743- There is no danger to the baby rabbits at any stage of their life. Although if YOU get too close to the mother she might become aggressive and try and scratch you with her two front paws. Rabbits are vegetarian so there is no problem with mothers trying to eat their babies.

What is the answer for the riddle for 'extra rabbit'?

spare hare

What do you do if mother rabbit bites her babies?

If the mother rabbit dies take care of the baby rabbit like its motherfeed it the baby rabbit food.If the mother dies before babies are weaned you can get baby kitten milk replacer and a kitten baby bottle and feed the babies. IT IS A REALLY HARD JOB. The babies must be fed and then stimulated to go to the bathroom and then cleaned up just as the mother rabbit would do. (you can also feed them canned goat milk, I say canned because not too many people have a fresh goat on hand.)If the baby is old enough to be eating rabbit pellets you are OK, just give the baby extra grass hay and plenty of water (maybe put electrolyes made for rabbits in the water.)

What 2 nutrients should you not eat as much?

we should not eat the nutrients FATS and CARBOHYDRATES more as they spoil our body by providing EXTRA ENERGY and leading to OBESITY which is a really very harmful and many more disease causing disease .

What gives a plant extra nutrients?


What is a name for an Extra Rabbit?

that dont make sense!

Do male bunnies have extra fur around their neck?

It's the female rabbits that have the extra fur. It's called a dewlap. It's different from the dewlap of other animals in that it's fatty, and the mother rabbit plucks fur from her dewlap to line her nest for her babies.

What is an adjective noun riddle for extra rabbit?

spare hare

What gives plant extra nutrients?

photosynthesis! (i think)