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No, you shouldn't because there is a slight chance that it may come back within the next 3 days you symptoms of an allergic reaction happened. However it is okay to go after the 3 days but you must be careful what you eat at school. And also you should go see an allergen to know what your exactly allergic to.

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Q: Should you go to school after an allergic reaction?
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When should you go to the hospital for an allergic reaction?

When you can't breathe.

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It is most likely an allergic reaction, but you should definitely go to the hospital!

What allergic reaction is deadly?

u dumb*** go to a doctor

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Find out what the bumps were caused by. then go to the doctor.

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You should go to a pet store... Pet a cat... See if you have an alergic reaction.

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If choking is due to allergic reaction or infection, people should summon emergency help or go immediately to an emergency room.

After 14 years of food allergies is your body free from them?

You can grow out of food allergies. But to tell for sure you should see a Dr. and get a scratch test done. You should not chance it and eat something you are allergic to you could have an allergic reaction and have to go to the hospital.

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yes because you can have a stronger allergic reaction - plus the scratching scrapes off the protective outer layers of skin making it even more sensitive and if you scratch enough you can cause it to bleed and get an infection to go with the allergic reaction.

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About three weeks.

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Because you have hayfever. O_O

Can you have an allergic reaction to cactus quills?

Yes, you can have an allergic reaction to anything. You can even develop an allergy to things that you have previously never been allergic to before. If you think you are having an alleric reaction, take Benadryl if the reaction is not too severe. But if you begin having difficulty breathing, severe swelling, numbness, difficulty swallowing, etc... you need to get to a doctor or emergency room ASAP. If it is a serious allergic reaction, you can go into anaphalactic shock, which can be fatal.

Sun spot on your face but recently a white circle appeared around it what is it should you be worried?

it might be an allergic reaction, or maybe insect bite, i dont think you need to be worried, but i think you should see a doctor, and if your throat starts swelling i suggest you go to the hospital asap, as may be and serve allergic reaction to food. ex. nuts, dairy.