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no. if your not attracted to them, whats the point. trust me, i wouldn't do it.

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Q: Should you hook up with your friend who you are not really attracted to?
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Hook me up means -when your friend likes someone, and there to shy or nervous to tell that person themself.

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yes you can. i don't really know exactly how to do it, but my friend has it in his honda.

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Ask him if he likes your friend and if he doesn't, then you ask him out or something like that, but if he does, hook them up and be happy that they are happy.

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Break up but still be friends?

Yes, but it is an open door to let's hook up again, or your new girl friend or boy friend doesn't really like me.

What if your friend wants you to hook him up with your other friend but you are nerves should you?

(its nervous not nerves) If you like the boy then go for it...Your friend wouldn't just set you up with anyone right!?

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Tell your friend to Hook you up! Well I have a brother that like almost all of my friends like and the first thing they did was tell me. Just let your best friend that you like her brother she should understand and help you out. Maby she will introduce you to him. Just be very honest if you really like this guy. Don't be afraid that your friend will get mad. If she really is your best friend then she should support you; and the good thing is that she can't like him also.:D

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I think,You should just leave them both and be friends with both of them ;) peace.

Would you kiss someone who you aren't that physically attracted to just because you want to hook up?

I wouldn't personally, it shows a lack of maturity. And besides you arn't attracted to him, why would you want to hook up in the first place?

How should a girl react if she finds out her best guy friend and girlfriend like each other?

She should be happy and try to hook them up together