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Yes, layers would make your hair look very thin and possibly stringy.

The answer above is right. I have very fine hair. You can have layers but how about asking your hairdresser to cut your hair shoulder length or a long bob then your layers would look better, and you'd can still wear a ponytail.

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Q: Should you layer your hair- It is very fine and quite thin- you often wear it in a ponytail- Would layers make fine hair look thin and stringy?
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What is the best hairstyle for brown shoulder length hair with a few layers in?

My opinion would be in a side curled ponytail.

What is another word for ponytail?

another word for ponytail would be beleadel.

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I would probably wear mine in a cute high ponytail.

I'm going to a summer camp two weeks from now and I would like to know what is the best way to wear a ponytail if you have shoulder lengh hair with bangs?

Some ways to style your hair would be: Having a side ponytail. Curling your ponytail. Having a loose ponytail. Braiding your ponytail.

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If your going to school then i would suggest a simple ponytail or side ponytail or low pig tails But if your going to work i would so suggest either a ponytail or a bun or on a short cut like a pixie style

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ponytail holders go back way into the the Qing Dynasty in China when they would pull their hair back with pig tails.

Would your hair grow faster if you put it in a ponytail?

i really don't no

Does collar bone length hair fit into a ponytail and if so how many inches long would the ponytail be cause you are planning on getting your hair cut that short and you want to wear it in a ponytail?

well it is kind of an opinion question... most hair that is around the shoulder area, yes will be able to be put into a ponytail. but, however not all hair can. on the other side i dont know how much hair you could get cut off and still be able to put into a ponytail. i would suggest you talk to whoever is cutting your hair

Where to buy Human hair ponytail?

I bought a human hair ponytail from a website called the quality was very good and and the price was OK too. when I called they also said that they would colour match the ponytail to my actual hair colour if there was not a colour within their range, all I would have to do is send in a sample of my own hair.

How do you make hair bun?

I usually twist the hair while it is in a ponytail then wrap the twisted hair around the ponytail. There are also bun-builders that can assist you in bun-making. You would make a ponytail, but the ponytail through donut-looking bun builder then spread the hair out over it. Put a hair-tie around it, then twist or braid the excess hair around the bun.

Well my friend cut my bangs wrong she accidentley cut a part too short that was suppose to be long now when i tie my hair up in a ponytail i look like a boy in the front. what shall i do?

You should leave your hair down. If it's urgent that you tie it in a ponytail, try cutting a full fringe or a side fringe. I would say a side-fringe because it's much better when you don't want it you just brush it back so it blends in with your layers!! Then just brush it out when you tie up your hair! Answer mine please!! for answers: This is a common problem. I would rebuild the poorly cut area with 10" hair extensions so all the hair will again go back in the PONYTAIL!!! Buddy Sharp

What is the best way to have your hair while horse riding?

In a ponytail... it would look pretty :)