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You can leave a leopard geckos light on all of the time but you should probably turn it off when it gets dark and then turn it on again in the morning. Like humans leopard geckos need time to cool off. Some things you can give them to cool off during the day are a hollow half log to provide shade, a fish bowl turned on its side filled with reptile moss heavily misted with water, and a shallow dish filled with clean, cold water. You can find most of those things at any pet store. Another benefit of turning off your geckos light is that it saves energy!

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I always think that as long as you us two diffrent bulbs day and night clear in day and red at night then yes as this is what it would be like in the wild also give your leopard gecko a misting to keep up humid which can have an increase up to 80% humid ONLY when sheding jope this helps

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Q: Should you leave the light on when your leopard gecko is shedding?
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Related questions

Do leopard gecko shed?

yes, they do. Luckily, unlike a snake, they don't leave their shed behind for you to clean up. They eat it! A gecko that is shedding is very cool looking and something that a first-time gecko owner does not want to miss.

What happens if a leopard gecko turns white?

it could mean they are shedding but most likely they are dying, my freinds geko turned white right before dying :[

Are gecko leashes okay for geckos?

Yes. As long as you don't make it too tight on your gecko. Don't leave it on him/she for too long. (For more information, look up How do you make a leopard gecko leash)

How many times dusting food for leopard gecko?

Leopard geckos do not need spraying although they do need a humidity box. This can be a plastic container inside the vivarium with a hole cut in it for an entrance. Put some damp paper towels or vermiculite inside. Keep this on the warm side of the vivarium. Your leopard gecko will go inside whenever it needs to. All you have to do is keep it damp and clean. Without a humidity box your leopard gecko will get skin shedding problems that can lead to toe loss and eye infections.

Does the leopard gecko's mom leave as soon as they are born?

The mum lays the eggs then leaves. She doesn't wait for them to hatch. The hatchlings have to cope on their own.

What to do when leopard gecko gets cut?

leave it alone. geckos and lizards regenerated. means when something is cut or broken it grows back in 2 months

Do leopard geckos HAVE to eat live food?

No. People feed leopard geckos "pinkies" for various reasons. To boost nutrition during a geckos pregnancy. To give a gecko a large feeding so as to not have to feed it for a week (this works well if you want to take a vacation). Some people just think it's entertaining. A Leopard Gecko does not "need" to eat baby mice. Crickets will do.

How often should you play with your Leopard Gecko?

Your gecko will let you know when he or she wants to come out and play! I have three leopard gecko's and if they are feeling sociable, when I put my hand into their vivarium to offer food, change their water or clean their toilet corner they will wander over and climb onto my hand and up my arm! A gecko who does not want to come out of their vivarium will walk away or go into their hide, if they do this it is best to leave them alone. But if they show interest in a hand laid flat palm up in front of them or step onto it then they are ready to come out for a visit! Be patient and do not handle them when they are not interested or run away, and you will be rewarded with a gecko who becomes very tame and happy to be handled.

Do leopard geckos smell?

They don't have any scent. Nor do they produce any scent that you can smell. If your tank smells bad, I suggest removing the gecko and cleaning it out with bleach, then setting it out in the sun for a few hours to dry out.

Why do leopard gecko lizards squeal?

This is really a simple question, they bite because they are scared or feel discomfort and they bite to protect themselfs. If you having a problem taming your leopard gecko take it one step at a time don't rush into it. start by just sticking your hand in the cage (not near the gecko) and when he gets used to that get closer and closer when you feel like he is uncomfterble back your hand away, after that try seeing if he will climb in your hand, if not get a small dark box or somthing to climb in and let him get in it (on his own time) and pick up the box let him climb out (this might scare him/her) and scope the gecko up in your hands after your geckos gets used to that you should know what to do next! (you should not take you gecko out of its cage every day once every two weeks is quite enough leopard geckos have sentisive skin) i hope that answer your question

Can leopard geckos eat fruit?

Yes they can eat some types of fruit. I occasionally cut a grape in half and leave it in the geckos cage they will lick it.

Why isn't your leopard gecko shedding?

it is simple don't worry get a small plastic box cut out a hole in the side at the top (remember try to smooth it out) and put moss you get at a pet shop in it and mist and leave your gecko to wait he will be as good as new in no time...