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yes better him then you if something bad happens

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Q: Should you let your 17 year old son bath during a thunderstorm?
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Should a 12 year old boy to bath with his mother?

Absolutely not!

Can a 45 year old man take a bath with a 10 year old girl?

he should probably check into a mental hospital. and not worry about the bath with the 10 year old.

What year was the thunderstorm in London?

Do you mean the Great Storm of 1987?

What year did Dr Patricia bath invent?

the bath.

How do you explain a tornado to a 5 year old?

You could say that a tornado is a kind of very fast spinning wind that sometimes happens during a thunderstorm that can wreck houses.

When does lightning and thunderstorm happen during the year?

That, I cannot give an exact answer for. Lighting and thunderstorms can happen at anytime, anyday of the year. Just watch your local weather channel for a head's up on what your week's forecast may be! :)

With a cumulonimbus cloud what kind of weather is found with it?

A thunderstorm, which normally happens in the summer time during the night or afternoon, but can happen at anytime in the year, but more common in the summer time

How much rainfall is in a thunderstorm?

Depende on the size of the thunderstorm, the water content could be thousands of tons. There are up to 16 million a year over the planet

Are Nemo bath toys safe for six year olds?

Yes, six year olds should be old enough to be able to play with Nemo Bath toys. There are no small parts that the child can eat. You can check it out here!

What year did bath iron works open?

The Bath Iron Works was founded in 1884 as Bath Iron Works, Limited.

Does Koehler make an inexpensive bath faucet?

"Yes, Koehler does. Koehler houses a variety of cheap bath faucets in their inventory, however, it may be pertinent to wait for discounted items during the end of the year, when they may markdown their inventory."