

Should you love Islam

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10y ago

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Sure, so far Islam guides me; through Qur'an and prophet Muhammad teachings; to the good deeds, good morals, and good beliefs.

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Q: Should you love Islam
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D you love your religion?

I love my religion, Islam, because it teaches people should love one another.

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i do not jus like Islam, I love Islam because, Islam is free, peacful and Great. i know it may not answer your question but it is hard to explain why we love Islam, one jus falls in love with Islam.

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Muslims love Islam because they believe Islam is the only way to make God satisfied and meet God and having eternal life near God.

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I SHOULD LOVE ALWAYS MOHAMMED S.A.W Islam means Peace n 2 believe in ALLAH n RASOOL. Follow the path what ALLAH n his RASOOL has shown us.

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Gayness, because the the teachings in Islam expresses love in Arabic script.

Is it even possible for a christian to find love with a Muslim?

Love is the main slogan of our life. However, sexual love is controlled in all religions and is subject to conditions and restrictions. Per Islam religion, no sexual love is allowed outside a licit marriage. Accordingly, per Islam teachings, a Christian woman can find love with a Muslim man but within a licit marriage. A Christian man can't find love within marriage with a Muslim woman unless he converts to Islam with sincere belief in the authenticity and truthfulness of Islam religion.