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The guy that I got my Chinchilla from said " Once you put the cage in a spot shouldn't move it. But don't move it to much or it can could get sick and die.

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Q: Should you move your chinchilla cage once he has settled?
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How big of cage does a chinchilla need?

Always try to get the largest cage possible for your Chinchilla and remember they need space to move around in. Chinchillas love to climb and jump, so it is better to have a cage that is higher than it is wide and you can put up kiln dried wood shevles. The minimum size cage to get would be around 3 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet.

What do you feed a chinchilla to fatten him up?

move to Mississippi

How do chinchillas react to traveling?

Chinchilla's don't really like to travel. They might freak out a bit from noise and shifts, but they should be fine. I don't recommend moving them around from place to place, but if you need to, select a small transportation cage. Not very small though, these particular rodents love to move around.

How fast can a chinchilla move?

Around 7 - 10 mph max.

Why do hamsters have pouches?

Hamsters have pouches to keep food in them. Also if they want to move there bedding around the cage, they will put saw dust or bedding in there mouths and will arrange the cage how they like, this is a good thing because you will no when they are settled because they will stop moving all there bedding/ sawdust around. :-)

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it should a glas cage where it has room to move around and has water at all times

When you breath where does your rib cage move?

in out in out

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How fast can a chinchilla run?

The top speed of a chinchilla is around 24 km per hour, which equals 14 miles per hour. They usually move by hopping, but this is their top sprinting speed.

Your quaker parrot is chewing the plaster off your wall what should you do?

Move the cage away form the wall and when the bird is out make sure that it stays away form the walls! All birds nibble on their cage surroundings but you should get the bird some toys to distract him.

If you have 2 hermit crabs and 1 is molting should you move the hermit crab that is not moving to a different cage?

yes you should because if you don't the other one will eat the molter

How can you use mazes to test hamster intelligence?

To know how to move in it's cage or find it's way around it's cage or to help it move with it's body. Is that right ??