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It depends on your way your mouth is shaped. Find a middle school band director to help you decide, and then I recommend taking private lessons with a professional in your area. Your band director/school district should be able to provide some references. Private lessons, especially if started early during the summer, will help you be good at an instrument sooner (although you still need to practice daily). It is also a good idea to continue with lessons once school starts. Lessons are typically once a week for 30 minutes to an hour depending on your needs. Band is a great experience,and I'm glad you've chosen to join. Also, not that it really matters, but most guys play Trumpet and most girls play Flute or Clarinet. If you chose to play piccolo know that you will be starting on flute and then move up to piccolo. Trumpet players usually start on a cornet. These instruments can be purchased or rented from a music store along with matinence kits and music. In some cases, schools might be able to provide them, though that's usually only for large/expensive instruments like tuba and basson. Hope that helps! Source: I play the trumpet.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Assuming you mean the piccolo that is a small flute, some of the difference are, the trumpet is a brass instrument, a piccolo is considered a woodwind (even though they are made of metal), and the piccolo plays an octave higher than a trumpet.

If you mean a piccolo trumpet, the major difference is, the picc trumpet plays an octave higher than a regular trumpet.

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How does the piccolo trumpet change its pitch?

A piccolo trumpet has a higher pitch than that of a traditional trumpet.

What is the smallest trumpet?

Probably some type of piccolo pocket trumpet.

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What is a piccolo trumpet?

A piccolo trumpet is a trumpet with half the normal length of tubing. This allows it to produce pitches much higher than a normal trumpet.

How many valve are on top of a trumpet?

A standard trumpet(not a piccolo)usually has three valves. However, the higher-pitched piccolo trumpet has four.

Which brass instrument is considered a smaller version of the trumpet?

There are other types of trumpets thata are smaller than a bflat trumpet. Such as, the piccolo trumpet, the pocket trumpet, and other smaller things like these.

What is a high pitched trumpet?

You must be referring to the Piccolo Trumpet.

Are piccolo trumpets real?

Yes. Piccolo trumpets are trumpets with exactly half the length of tubing as a normal trumpet, which allows them to play a full octave higher.

What is the piccolo trumpet half the size of?

It is half the size of a regular trumpet.

What smallest brass instrument in an orchestra?

Trumpet and piccolo trumpet (smaller, but less common) are the smallest brass instruments.

What is the highest playing brass insrument?

Trumpet or piccolo trumpet (less common).

What different styles of trumpet are there?

their is a G trumpet. F trumpet B flat trumpet and a Piccolo trumpet being the smallest trumpet and an octive higher than a regular trumpet.