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No, the lotion is too thick and won't let it breathe. Definitely DONT use your saliva. There are tons of bacteria gunk in there and that isn't good for a new stretch. You can use extra virgin olive oil, vitamin E oil,emu oil, or any water based lubricant.

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Q: Should you put lotion on your ears when gauging them?
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How much lotion should you put on?

You should put it on your legs and your arms once per day. That will keep your skin smooth. But you should be careful what type of lotion you use if you have sensitive skin look for lotion that says for "sensitive skin" if you don't then look for the best you can find.

Do you leave tapers in when gauging your ears?

No, you shouldn't. Put in a plug or tunnel after you stretch up and leave those in until your ears heal. Tapers aren't weighted evenly and they mess up your lobes because it makes some places thinner than others.

Can you put food coloring in the lotion?

It depends on your reasons, but yes, you can put food coloring in lotion.

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Calamine, lanolin and aloe vera are ok.

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Due to the nature of Benzaclin and how it works to treat the skin, you should not put on lotion immediately after using Benzaclin gel.

How do you get rid of a cystic pimple under your arm?

put pimple lotion on it and lotion.

How can you get your legs to be softer?

Put Lotion On Them Everyday And After U Shave Put Lotion On Pretty Much E very Chance You Get.

How do you get your ear streched?

Most people do it the normal way of gauging it at first you should use tapers to stretch it and of course it will hurt but you leave them until they heal then you should put plugs or tunnels in your ear if you wish too.

I am peeling on my arm. what should i do?

You got to be white cause a black person would know to put some lotion on.

How do you cure a major itch?

scratch it or put lotion on it yeah lotion it right up

How do you put lotion in a sentence?

...I use lotion to make my skin soft and relieve itching.

Does drying lotion actually erase pimples?

it actually does you put it on overnight and the next morning you wake up and its gone, you should go to and buy his drying lotion if you are looking for a solution on your acne.