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Calamine, lanolin and aloe vera are ok.

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Q: Should you put calamine lotion on a bee sting?
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Why is lime a good practice for wasp sting sand calamine lotion a good practice for bee stings?

A wasp sting and a bee sting have different properties and therefore need different treatments to neutralize the sting.

What is the bee string treatment?

The best bee sting treatment would be to pull the stinger out, if there is one in the skin, and use Hydro-cortisone cream. If the burn persists, try applying some Calamine lotion.

What function performed by the skin would be important in keeping the damage to a minimum if the bee stings the student?

The damage that a bee sting can do can be kept to a minimum is to ice the affected area first. Elevate it if the sting is in the arm or leg. Apply calamine lotion or a solution of baking soda and water to keep the itchiness at bay.

what do people in your area put on the place where the bee has stung?

Apply calamine lotion. See related links for other suggestions.

What action should be taken for prevention for a bee sting?

we must stay still to prevent a bee sting.

Bee sting pH?

to neutralise a bee sting you use alkaline substances; such as toothpaste, indigestion tablets(that can dissolve) washing up powder and washing up liquid

What is neutralized by adding lime to acidic soil?

An acid is neutralized by adding base to it as calamine solution neutralizes formic acid in a bee's sting when injected into a person's body.

How can wasp and bee stings be treated using everyday substances?

when ants and nettles (works also on bees) bite or sting you they release formic acid under your skin .This hurts your---------- body doesn't like to be injected with acid. bee stings are also acidic these can be treated by calamine lotion or bicarbonate soda solution which both cancel out the acid.Wasp stings are alkaline. you can treat it by putting vinegar on it.

What does a bee sting contain?

A Bee sting contains a acid

Bee stings are often treated with ammonium hydroxide why?

Bee stings are acidic so it should be treated with an alkali such as ammonium hydroxide or calamine that can neutralize the acid.

Is a bee sting acid or alikai?

bee sting is acidic

How to neutralise a bee sting?

vinegar can be used to cure a bee sting.