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i would reply back, lossing a friendship over a break-up is a normal reaction, but just because he still likes you doesnt mean you cant be friends, or still talk. but if he thinks you like him again, just tell him how it is

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Q: Should you reply back to your ex boyfriends email that's says he wants you back or just ignore it coz im done with the relationship?
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The character of your boyfriend emailing you to break up speaks volumes! He shows that he didn't love you enough to talk to you face-to-face. It takes courage and if he was serious he should have talked to you in person. Since heseems stuck behind his computer and just wanting to talk through email tell him to hit the bricks! You can do better. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and this young man sounds far to immature.

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I would just ignore the email. I wouldn't even bother answering it, you should ready it, just to see if it says a name. But other then that, i wouldn't answer it.

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Unless you are still good friends, ignore it, abd probably delete the email as well. You moved on with life; he needs to do the same.

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Yes. It's very inappropriate.

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first you make sure that his email address is actually the right one. if it is and he continues to ignore you, just go ask him why he never emails you back

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No You cannot. just ignore them, or don't give your email address out :]

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well that's embarassing. i really need an answer seriously email em at or if u have a s.n. mine is

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An email is a digital form of sending a letter, so, the best way to start this email/letter would be: Dear Sir or Madame,(depending on gender) and ending it with: Sincearly yours, (name)

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No, you should have more sex with him or else the relationship may be in trouble. - It is a CLEAR indicator of lack of sex in a relationship.

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Do not click the link(s) within the email and do not provide your password or any other personal information. You can ignore the email, and you can also forward it to the "real" company (for example, if the phishing email appears to be from, forward it to the real company so they are aware of the scam).

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No, you should not email your ex girlfriend to try and get her back because she has another boyfriend. You had your chance to make the relationship work out with her and since you didn't then it time for both of you to go your separate ways.

Is it considered rude to not email back your ex when he emailed you and not asked a particular question for you to respond back?

'Ex' means the relationship is over and you should move on and so should he. Email him back and tell him the relationship is over and if you're not sure it is then stop the game playing and try to work out your differences in the relationship. From your question is does appear that you have been in contact with him and find he has given you a question you can't answer. Nip it in the bud and tell him you're moving on.