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Yes, Also when your gums are inflamed and bleeding from flossing after infrequent flossing or right after you have had your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist as your gums will tend to be sore after the trauma to the tissue caused by a good dental cleaning. Rinsing with as warm as you can stand it, salt water will help relieve the pain and inflammation of the gums.

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Q: Should you rinse your mouth with salt water after you cut your tongue?
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How can you get rid of the white bumps on your tongue?

You can rinse your mouth with warm salt water or listerine (other mouth was doesn't work as well).

After taking out my tongue ring a lump appeared it looks like its getting bigger what should i do?

You can rinse your mouth with warm salt water if you have a lump appear after you take your tongue ring out. If the lump continues to get bigger and bigger, you should seek medical attention.

What to do after getting a tongue piercing for the first time?

Rinse with salt water and DILUTED mouth wash (non alcohol is best)

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Rinse the mouth out with clean water.

How long should you wait after getting your tongue pierced to drink alcohol?

rinse your mouth out with water and just keep your eye on it, should be fine. You can always call the professional who pierced your tongue if anything should seem odd. chances are, your tongue would be swollen now so, ice and water should take care of you! :)

Is it dangerous to rinse your mouth with soapy water?

It is not dangerous, but I can think of many better ways to rinse the mouth.

Can you eat mayonnaise after getting tongue piercing?

With any oral piercing oral hygiene is very important, so rinse after anything other than water for the first two weeks after getting the piercing done. Common sense should indicate that you are not going to sit down and eat a jar of mayonnaise, however should that be your life's desire, fill your boots. Just make sure you rinse your mouth out with a good oral rinse after eating. The concern is the residue that is left on the tongue after eating, this can foster a growth of bacteria if left unchecked leading to swelling and distension. So rinse after eating and all should be fine.

How do you sterilize tougue rings?

Soak them in vodka or vinegar for a while, then rinse; clean out the mouth and piercing in the tongue at the same time by brushing thoroughly and rinsing thoroughly--if you rinse with warm salt water (don't swallow it), this will help control the bacteria level in the mouth as well.

Should you rinse your mouth with water after rinsing Hydrogen Peroxide?

yes! Kills the germs, bu do not swallow!! :)

Food stuck in wisdom tooth extraction site?

You can try to flick it out with your tongue but if that hurts, fill a glass with warm water and add a teaspoon of salt, stir water then rinse your mouth with it. (Try not to swallow the water.)

Why do swimmers rinse mouth with pool water?

As far as I know, no one gargles with pool water, or at least no one should. Gross.

Can you rinse your mouth with oil of oregano?

If you do rinse your mouth with straight oil of oregano you will wish you hadn't because it burns like crazy, sometimes even when diluted with water or olive oil, as is recommended. I have heard of some people having severe allergic reaction to it. So I recommend you read up on how to use it before you try it. Answer2: It can be used to rinse but straight without a few drops of olive oil will set your mouth on FIRE. Put under the tongue mixed with a few drops of olive oil should work.