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I think the key phrase is "re-cemented your crown." It indicates to me that the condition was pre-exisitng. The question is, did you pressure the dentist to just re-attach it or did you ask for a full fledged evaluation. The answer to THAT question may be the key to your question.

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Q: Should you seek compensation if the dentist re-cemented your loose crown and three months later the tooth got a cavity plus infection and the dentist admitted fault but now you will lose the tooth?
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What is the typical cost to recement a crown?

I had a crown recemented by a dentist and it cost $96, but this seems really high to me.

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the crown will not go bad from being outside the mouth, but the adjacent teeth could shift if the crown is off to long. The sooner the crown gets recemented the better.

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A Dentist or Endodontist.

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Take him to court If the dentist admitted filling the wrong tooth then he shouldn't charge for it and do the other one for free.

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A tooth extraction can get an infection. A dentist or doctor will have to prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.

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This sort of treatment is delivered by a qualified dentist.

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To prevent any infection that may occur.

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only if you tell the dentist

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No Tell your dentist you might have an infection

What makes a tooth smell?

Very possibly an infection; you must see a dentist.

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You need to see your dentist, because you could have an infection.