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Should you? More like, Would you. It wouldn't hurt the frog if you sprayed it with water. As tadpoles they lived in water and frogs probably hop in the rain allot so it wouldn't hurt them. Why leap to conclusion's

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Q: Should you spray water on frogs?
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Why do White's Tree frogs det mucus on them?

This is a natural way Whites Tree Frogs trap mositure in their skin. This may be a sign that your frog is to dry. Make sure that their water dish is full of clean water everyday. Spray their tank with clean water (using a spray bottle) every day too.

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Spray water at the path of the laser and it should reveal the ray.

Can you put tap water in a frogs tank?

Of course. You should always read about your frog type before attempting to, but frogs can survive with tap water.

Do frogs drink water?

No, frogs do not drink water. Frogs absorb water through their skin.

What do northern leopard frogs drink?

Becuase Northern Leopard Frogs are an amphibian and live in swamps they should drink water.

How do you use the hairspray to keep frogs away?

Hairspray is not a good way to get rid of frogs. Frogs are not deterred by hairspray. Using large quatities may kill a frog because of the chemicals in the spray but this may also be dangerous to a person applying the spray.

How can you prevent frogs from congregating along the ceiling of your porch?

Mix a batch of bleach and water, 1/2 cup bleach to 3 gallon water in a insecticide sprayer and spray the ceiling and allow to dry. The dry bleach stings but doesnt harm the frogs wet bellys.

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Acrylic paint is water based, so water or soapy water should be used to clean a spray gun.

Why is water important to amphibians?

first of all frogs reproduce in water. they also need water to drink, but instead of swallowing the water frogs absorb it into their skin.

Should frogs be killed?

no frogs should not be killed!

How to paint car blinkers?

You can paint your car blinkers with spray paint. You can use any type of Marine spray paint. The spray paint should be water resistant.