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Please see your physician. If there are complications, it can have very serious effects, sometimes resulting in a blood clot which would ulitmately result in death. There is definitely going to be some pain for several weeks following the surgery. The muscles surrounding the shoulder are immobilized for several weeks to allow any sutures to be strengthened by the healing process, which unfortunately weakens them due to non-use. This weaking of the muscles cause the shoulder to become somewhat unstable an can literally pop out of socket. Until the muscles can be exercised and restrengthened, this can cause a lot of pain in the shoulder. Also, keep in mind that the type of surgery performed plays a large part in the pain level you can expect If te tear required the surgeon to drill into bone to reattach the tear, you of course are going to have much more pain during recovery than someone with less intrusive reconstruction of the tear.

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Q: Should you still be having quite a bit of pain four weeks after surgery on a torn rotator cuff?
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