

Should you switch your OS from Windows Vista to Ubuntu?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The answer to this is one that only you can answer, you really need to evaluate your options and needs before you can say yes or no.

Ubuntu is a fairly modern distribution with a large install base with good hardware support for most configurations. The best way to ensure that your machine is fully compatible with it would be to run the live CD option for a day and if you wish install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package from the repository.

Try both ubuntu and kubuntu as you may find your needs better met by one than the other.

so I guess I am telling you to try before you install shop around for what is right for you and don't sell yourself short. Do your research and never be scared to look for answers on their forums because there are a lot of knowledgable people who are very willing to help you.

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Q: Should you switch your OS from Windows Vista to Ubuntu?
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Any version of Windows and Ubuntu is no problem. I'm unaware of all the issues that might surround a Windows 7 / Vista dual-boot, but adding Ubuntu into the mix shouldn't cause any problems, provided the two versions of Windows are cooperating.

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Wubi can only be used to install Ubuntu. (It stands for Windows-based Ubuntu Installer).

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Not sure how to answer but Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows, 2000, XP, VISTA, 7, MACOS, Ubuntu and others.

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Generally, Linux is considered very secure from viruses. If you exercise general safety behavior, it is unlikely that any virus will enter your system. Even if a virus does get through into the Virtual Machine, it will only affect your Ubuntu install, not Windows.

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Ubuntu is a whole operating system, not a simple program. It does not run on top of Windows, but instead of it. Thus user accounts on Vista do not come into play. Ubuntu supports its own user accounts, so once it is installed, no one except the person who installed it can use it unless an account is created for them.

How do you handle the multiple operating system such as vista and ubuntu?

You have to install both operating systems to get a 'dual boot' system. I would suggest installing vista first, then installing ubuntu. Doing it the other way around will mean that the ubuntu installation will not be recognized after you install Vista, so do the Vista install first.The Ubuntu Grub loader will be able to recognize the Vista partition and should present you with a menu when you boot the machine as to which operating system you want to use.The easiest approach to this would be to install Vista on one partition and ubuntu on a different partition of your hard drive.

List of common operating system?

Windows OS: Windows 7 XP Vista Mac: OSX Lion Leopard Chromebook: Chrominium Others: Ubuntu

How do you dual boot Windows Vista and Ubuntu correctly?

Install Vista first. During the installation of OpenSUSE, you will be prompted if you would like to partition the hard drive to make room for OpenSUSE, or format the drive entirely for OpenSUSE. Make a partition of at least 6 GB, plus a swap partition of 1 GB. The installer will automatically install a bootloader known as GRUB, which can boot Vista or OpenSUSE at your choosing.

What OS before Windows 7?

The version of Windows before 7 was Vista. But there could have been countless other non-windows OS releases before 7, such as ubuntu releases etc.

Should you switch your genuine Windows Vista to a pirated Windows 7?

Absolutely not. That would be both illegal and possibly put you at increased risk of being infected with malware.

Do all new computers have Windows Vista?

With the exception of some netbooks, all major retailers have stopped shipping Windows XP and now only offer Windows Vista on their computers. You can, of course, still purchase a barebones PC, or one bundled with Ubuntu or FreeDOS from Dell.

Will drivers for Windows Vista work on Windows XP?

Drivers written for Windows Vista are not backwards-compatible with Windows XP. Most hardware that has a driver for Vista should also have a driver for Windows XP.