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Actually (medically) not bad though it is forbidden by family members.

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12y ago
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11y ago

A hot shower and breathing the steam is beneficial for bronchitis, opening airways and easing coughsing

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Q: Should you take a hot shower for your bronchitis?
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When body take a shower after body wet by rain. why temperature body be hot after take are shower?

You must have taken a hot shower.

Does a migrain get worse if you have a shower?

Well, if you take a shower with hot water, it should get worse, since a hotter temperature increases blood pressure....

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I get those when I take a hot shower too, apparently it happens when the water is too hot.

If you are sick should you take a bath?

Yes, the hot water and steam will open up your sinuses. A hot shower would be even better.

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Cool down for a bit then take a kinda warm shower

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if i take a shower with a sope my dody was clear.

Should you take a hot or cold shower when you catch a Flu?

You should take a hot bath if you have a runny nose or a cold bath if you have a high temperature ------------------------------------ Hot: Hot water may kill some of the bacteria, and the cold water may wake you up a bit.

How can a hot shower hurt you?

if u take too long a hot shower, ur body temperature will adjust to the temperature of the hot water and its hard on your heart

When you have a fever should have a hot or cold shower?

A cold shower will help to bring down a fever.

How do you take away a headache?

Take a nap for about 1 hour

How do you treat a sunburn?

ice or lotion... somthings that sting makes it hurt but you can tell its working! XD

Why are we not cold when we take a shower?

the water is hot. when we get out we're hella cold