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If I were in your situation I would. Just because you spot doesnt mean that you are pregnant, its common among most girls, however if you are unsure you should take a test just in case 9 months from now a baby pops out of the ordinary =]

AnswerIf you feel yyou may be pregnant you should....its better to take the test then wait around thinking.....whos knows you may not be pregnant

Yes you can. I would wait and make sure that the spotting doesn't turn into a regular period flow.

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Q: Should you take a pregnancy test if you are spotting assuming that your pregnant due to the spotting?
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Blood spotting on period could you be pregnant?

Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.

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It is still possible to be pregnant and have spotting. You should take a pregnancy test to make sure.

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Spotting is common after a pap smear, particularly during pregnancy. All spotting during pregnancy should be discussed with your health care provider.

Is spotting normal while preg after a pap smear?

Yes, I've had it happen to me when I was pregnant. Please note it should just be spotting nothing heavy and should only last a day or two. Hope this helps and good luck.

Is spotting before your missed period mean your pregnant?

Not necessarily. Spotting can be caused by a variety of issues, including stress, but also including pregnancy. If you suspect you may be pregnant, you should definitely take a test and visit a gynecologist to be sure. Even if you don't have reason to believe you may be pregnant, spotting is something your gynecologist should be made aware of and can help you with.

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Spotting can be normal in a pregnancy, but if you have a lot of bleeding call you Dr. ASAP. However, even for light spotting you should go to the walk in clinic today. Good luck

I had a pap smear 4 days ago and I am 10 weeks pregnant. Should I be concerned with the spotting for this length of time?

You should contact your heatlh care provider for any bleeding during pregnancy. Spotting after a pap smear is common, especially when pregnant, but your health care provider would want you to call and check in.

Should you take a pregnancy test if you are spotting?

Spotting is an early sign of pregnancy as it can show that it would either be your hormone cycle triggering bleeding when you period should have been due or that a fertilised egg is embedding into your uterus lining. Spotting is either a light red like your period but can vary up to a brown colour. It is completely normal is pregnancy and is usually the earliest sign, so yes take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant!

Is is possible to have a period followed by very light spotting during pregnancy?

Typically women that experience a "period" during pregnancy really only have slight bleeding with implantation. This is called implantation spotting. If you have confirmed you are pregnant, you should see a doctor for any bleeding.

How far along am i had a normal period in aug and dark spotting for two days in sept which should you go by to calculate your pregnancy?

From what I have been reading about implantation bleeding I would say that the dark spotting is that. I would say that you should estimate a week before the dark spotting and that is when you got pregnant.

Can you spot and still be pregnant?

Yes, you can be spotting and be pregnant. It is called implantation bleeding. It usually occurs about 8-9 days after ovulation, which is around the time of your period. Take a pregnancy test and good luck! *** The guy above refers to the process of implantation. If you definitively know that you are pregnant, then spotting when you know that you are pregnant is also normal. As the cell mass grows, then it can break tiny blood vessels and cause spotting. However, if the spotting intensifies and is accompanied by cramping, get it checked out as these are the precursors to miscarriage.

What does it mean to have 2 day light brown spotting a week before a period and get sick from the smell of cooking hamburgers a week befor a period?

If you think you are pregnant, include that in the question instead of beating around the bush with the spotting & sensitive sense of smell & nausea symptoms of being pregnant. If you are sexually active & think you are pregnant, get a pregnancy test. If the test is positive, go see a doctor. Even if the test isn't positive, you should still go see a doctor because pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate. And if you didn't know that these are symptoms of being pregnant, then you should not be sexually active with the lack of knowledge that you have about such things, (assuming that you are sexually active).