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You should take the Birth Control pill as directed regardless of bleeding. Take a pregnancy test if you missed pills in the previous cycle.

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Q: Should you take the birth control pill if you havent got your period within the 7 day break?
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How soon after a miscarriage should you expect your period i lost the baby October 1. still havent gottin it?

Your period should return within 4-6 weeks for a miscarriage or D&C, but in some cases it can last longer (7-9 weeks) periods should return within 6 weeks.

If im on birth control should i start your period right when i take the first white sugar pills or will it take a few days after for me to start?

It varies. You may get a period within the first week or you will get your period 4 weeks later.

If a woman does not wait to start birth control on the week of her period is the birth control still effective?

If you start your birth control after your period, it is effective within days, if you start at any other time it should not be relied upon until after the next period. This is because ovulation may have already occurred (there is an egg already released waiting to be fertilized)

While on birth control pills do you usually start your period by the time you take the sugar pills?

You start your period when on the sugar pills. Your period should start within three days of your first sugar pill - the exact time will differ from woman to woman.

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Yes, span of control may be less of a concern for incidents resolved within the initial operational period because the command structure is more focused and resources are typically highly coordinated. With a quick resolution, there may be fewer layers of management required. However, maintaining clear communication and oversight is still important to ensure effective response and management.

If you started birth control about a month ago and was spotting the 2ncd week for about 5 days Is this normal and will you get a period this week on the sugar pills?

The "period" you are refeerring to is not a period it is breakthrough bleedinga nd yes this is normal to occur within the first three months of starting any form of hormonal birth control it should go away within in 3 months and if not get to your doctor so they can try a different brand of birth control pills that your body will respond to better and yes you should get your period while on the sugar pills if you don't get to your doctor and have them do a pregnancy test hope everything works out for you Good Luck and God Bless!!!

I took my last pill today and came on your period is that normal?

This is normal with birth control. You will have a period anytime within the 7 days of the last pills.

What happens if you've already conceived when you start taking birth control pills?

You should not be pregnant when you start taking the pills as you start taking them within a week of the start of your period and if you have a period you are 99.5% sure you are not pregnant. However if you are pregnant the pills will have no effect.

I had cramps starting 1 week after I stopped taking birth control and I dont have a period yet should I be concerned if its been well over a month?

I would recommend you perform a pregnancy test. Birth control can effect your menstrual cycle and can result in delayed periods. Your period should resume its natural rhythm within 2-3 months but if it doesn't see your Doctor.

You had DNC in the last month What about the next steps?

2 weeks after you see the doctor to make sure it worked. Your period should be back within 8 weeks. You can get on birth control the same day you have the DNC.

If you have not started taking birth control and you think your pregnant can you start taking birth control to stop it even though you havent started your period?

Taking birth control if you are pregnant will NOT stop the pregnancy. Birth control does not cause abortion but stops the ovaries from freeing an egg into the falopian tube and the womb. Plan B, or the morning after pill, will stop the fertilised egg from attaching itself to the endometer if taken within a certain amount of time. It has to be taken within 72 hours of the intercourse, however, and its efficacy decreases with the passing of time. Furthermore, taking the pill while pregnant could hurt the baby.

How soon do you get your period if you stop taking birth control?

Most women will have their period within a week or two of stopping birth control pills, and may be fertile from the first day they stop taking it. If you have stopped taking birth control and have not had your regular period as expected, you need a pregnancy test to be sure whether you are pregnant or not.