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Q: Should you tell a girl how you feel if she likes someone else?
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How do you tell someone to stop liking you?

Well you really shouldn't! You should be happy that someone likes you. But if you feel like they are to close to you but you like someone else just say that you like someone else and tell them how you feel, and that you just wanna b friends.

What do you do when someone you like likes someone else?

Tell then how you feel, If that doesnt Work, Move on...

What if the who you want to notice you likes someone else?

Let them know how you feel :)

What do you do if the girl you like likes someone else?

well you should go up to the girl and tell her how you feel about her....but if she likes someone else you have to also respect that if she doesnt have the same feelings as you do then it just simply meens that there is something better out there for you ..and there is..theres always somebody for someone

If you like someone but that person likes someone else What do you do?

Let them know how you feel before it's too late and they are taken.

Why is he dating someone else if he likes me?

Maybe he is trying to make you feel jealous, get your attention OR he does't like you.

Should you tell a guy that you likes him for a long while while on your holiday?

i think u should and if he doesn't feel the same way about u just move on u will find someone else ;)

If your boyfriend of 4 years tells you he likes someone else but he loves you what should you do?

When you say he likes someone else i assume its more than a friendship kind of like. If he is saying he still loves you and "likes" someone else. I would find out exactly what that means for you. Perhaps he is not committed to you as he should be and as you deserve. If He is your boyfriend he needs to be in the relationship all the way . All the way in Or all the way out. You need to assert yourself and let him know that either he is your man alone or he is not your man at all and you are not his woman. A good boyfriend should make you feel good . He should make your day. Not the opposite.

Should you move on or wait for the guy you like even if the guy likes someone else But you feel that he still has feelings for you So you asked signs and it came true But should you really wait?

You should probably wait.

What do you do if you like a girl and she loves someone alls?

Whether or not she likes someone else, I think it would be best for you if you were honest with her and actually told her how you feel. She might say she likes someone else so that people don't question her on who she really likes. So just be real honest and don't lose hope.

Why would a guy tells you he still likes you but end up getting with someone else?

To make you feel used

You are in utter chaos you are falling in love with your best friend even though you still like this other girl what should you do?

first, is one likes you, you can go with her. but if you feel that you belong with someone else, try to get with her.