

Should you tell people in school that you are gay?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Are there other openly gay kids in your school? What is the atmosphere in your school towards gays? How many good friends have you at school? Do any of them know you're gay? What do you think will happen if you come out? How many more years will you be at this school?

These are all questions to think about carefully. You will probably need a lot of courage to come out at school, and support too. Have you friends that will stand by you?

You have to decide, but I would say be cautious. Tell your really good friends first, and then maybe don't tell any more. If you are open with your group of supporting friends, you don't need to shout it to the whole school.

If you haven't any really good friends at school, then I would say don't tell anyone yet. Coming out at school, though desirable and positive in lots of ways, especially telling other gay students that it's OK to be gay, can cause a lot of stress that may affect your studies.

Lots of things to think about before you do anything, ... or nothing!

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