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While Stem Cells can cure some types of cancers, like Lukemia, it is still possible for it to come back. The biggest problem with storing a sibling's stem cells is that if your first child is pre-disposed to cancers, there is a chance your second child is as well, which basically means the stem cells will not help the particular problem you are trying to fix.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Simple explanation, say you have cancer of the bladder, doctors can now take one of your healthy bladder cells and grow a fully complete new one in 6-8 weeks in a laboratory. So in the long run this may not prevent disease but by the removal of infected organs could postpone the spread of the disease to other areas of the body.

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12y ago

Some people dont think that its a good idea. However I think its a great idea. For Example Bacteria was always given a bad reputation until they found out that it was how cheese was made. So yes in order to make a long story short I think that stem cells should be used to cure diseases

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10y ago

Stem cells are used in chemotherapy. The patient receives the stem cells which are extracted from peripheral blood or something like an umbilical cord. The stem cells and chemotherapy wipe out the patient's bone marrow. Once the stem cells bond with the blood in the patient, the patient begins to grow healthy bone marrow.

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12y ago

dont really know but im just guessing because my dad told me it did so yes it does now go and run off bye bye

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Q: Should you use stem cells to cure diseases?
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How are stem cells beneficial?

They can replace cells to treat or cure diseases.

Could embryonic stem cells help people with some diseases?

they can cure human diseases but the question is should we use them.

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When has stem cells been used to cure someone?

The stem cells are the undifferentiated cells from the embryonic mass. In recent days these are being used to cure several diseases.

How can stem cells be used to treat diseases like diabetes?

Weird fellow!There is no way to cure diabetes with stem cells.

Why are scientists researching stem cells?

Stem cells would be crucial in learning how to cure some genetic diseases and growing organs for people who need organ transplants.

Can stem cells cure osteoarthritis knee pain?

Stem cells currently have no use in the medical industry but around the year 2025 scientists are hoping to be able to master the art of being able to turn stem cells to a human's own cells which could cure cancer and many other diseases.

Adult stem cells from cord blood?

It's confirmed stem cells from cord blood is as effective as stem cells from embryo. The cord blood can cure fatal diseases and you can read stories of success in the blog provided below.

How can a stem cell transplant help cure diseases?

A stem cell transplant can help cure disease because it can grow into any cells that you body needs. An example of a time when a stem cell transplant is when a man cut off the end of his finger and used pig stem cells to grow it back.

Why should a stem cell differentiate and replace cells for example when a skin cell can divide and replace a damaged cell or tissue?

stem cells are known as the "repair system for the body". That means they divide constantly taking place of other cells. Like if they was a bad cell then the stem cell would just take its place. Stem cells are amazing for solving diseases. That's why stem cell research is so important- scientists have already discovered that stem cells can cure more than 70 of the most major diseases. Its really incredible

Why should you preserve stem cells?

stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can differentiate in to all cell types. they are of two types: 1) Embryonic stem cells ( totipotent cells) they can differentiate in to any type of cells in our body.. 2) adult stem cells ( multipotent cells) they can be differentiated into only one type of cell from which it is derived from. They are used mostly in organ and tissue transplantation. mostly used in medicinal field to cure diseases now adays.