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yep. not to much though

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Q: Should you water a Lima bean plant directly after planting?
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Related questions

How often should I water a tree?

The day you plant it, you should water it daily for 2 weeks, then after that, you should water it every 3 days for 3-10 weeks. After about 10 weeks from planting, you should water the tree weekly.

How often do I need to water cactii?

You should water it every month. Also water is directly on the soil not the plant.

What types of nutrients do plant's need in order to survive?

Every plant needs sunlight, water, and soil. How much sunlight and soil is specific to the plant. The soil is specific to the plant as well. If the plant is bought, it should have a tag on it that tells you everything you need to know on this subject. If it is not store bought and is a plant you got near your neighborhood, simply planting it should be alright.

Any plant that soaks up water from the ground directly into its cells?

Any plant that soaks up water from the ground directly into it's cells ?

What is a good way to find out which plant grows faster in sand soil and cotton?

Planting in soil and cotton is not a good idea really. If you are doing a experiment then you cant rush it. If you are just planting a plant try to use soils with plant food inside of them and give it water daily.

Which is the best time or month to plant a THUJA-tree of the Cypress-family?

Now is a good time, but only if the soil is wet enough. If it is dry give the plant at least a bucketful of water immediately after planting, and you could even pour a bucketful into its planting hole prior to planting. The best time for planting a young tree is during the period October to April.

What is the spacing for planting carrots?

Depending on how you plant them. If you make the soil soft, sprinkle it with seeds and then water them in; it doesn't matter. If you plant rows (Which is a little harder), made them 30 cms apart, and the rows should be 1 foot long each.

What is scientific about planting?

The way the process of photosynthesis goes through a plant every day and how the plant needs sunshine and water to make it's own food.

Does anyone know if finding a plant seed in your bed can be a sign of witchcraft?

What signs of the zodiac sign are best for planting? Water Signs. The best planting days for planting all plants is when the Moon is in the water/leaf signs of Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. Water signs are fertile times for planting above ground bearing, leafy annuals, such as lettuce, spinach, chard, and brassicas, in the first or second quarter.

Can you Soak squash seed in turpentine before planting?

You can, but I wouldn't. I've heard of soaking it in a tea of kelp, or in distilled water to jump start germination, although you might be just as well to plant them directly in the ground if it's warm enough. But turpentine? No.

What should you water a plant with?


Does magnetizing a seed affect its growth?

No. How deep you plant it, how much water you give it upon planting it, and whether it is exposed to sunlight or not does.