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he might have to u should ask a vet

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Q: Should your 8 week old puppy with broken leg have surgery?
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Should you worm your six week old puppy and what kind should you use?

a puppy wormer

What should you feed your 6 week old pit?

puppy milk

What is the vision of a five week old puppy?

It really depends on the breed you have or are looking at. You should talk to your vet about a healthy puppy.

Can your 6 week old puppy have cooked eggs?

Yes it should not hurt them.

Why does my 13 week old puppy cough?

You should take your pug to the veternarian.

Should my 6 week old puppy be walking on his legs?

Yes! Puppies should have started at least trying to walk at just a few weeks. If a 6 week old puppy is not walking, take him/her to the vet immediately.

Can you feed your 10 week old puppy regular baby formula?

For the first couple of weeks your puppy should drink it mothers milk then liquid or mashed puppy food. So yes you can feed a 10 week old puppy regular baby formula.

What are the chances of survival of an 8 week old puppy after surgery for a twisted bowel?

well my puppy is staying at the vets house tonight, because he has a twisted bowel. and he has had surgery. the vet said its 50/50 really. im really upset. and i just pray he will be alive in the morning :'/

When should you wash a puppie?

You should wash a puppy up after a month and wash it 2 times a week

How many times does a six week puppy eat in one day?

A six-week old puppy should be eating 3-4 meals per day, with his caloric needs spread out evenly over all the meals. Ideally, the puppy should also still be nursing from his mother.

Can a 4 week old puppy get a bath?

Of course. Whether it should or not is a different question.

Should you give your 6 week old puppy milk or just water?
