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If you're thirteen or older, you can get the second chickenpox vaccine as long as it's been at least 28 days since the last one. For patients under thirteen, they must wait three months minimum until the second vaccine.

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If your child got the first vaccine before her first birthday, she probably should be revaccinated as the first may not have been effective. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

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Q: Should your child get a third chickenpox vaccine because the 1st dose was 10 days too early?
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Should a child get a second chickenpox vaccine if he developed shingles a few years after the initial vaccine for chickenpox was given?

Current recommendations are for two doses of chickenpox vaccine, regardless of the history of chickenpox or shingles.

Is it smart to intentionally infect your child with chickenpox?

If you want to get your child immunity to chickenpox, the use of chickenpox vaccine is a more controlled approach that has a lower side effect profile than natural chickenpox infection.

Can an adult get chickenpox from a child?

Yes. Since Chicken Pox is contagious, the primary way to get it is from being exposed to someone else who currently has it - whether that be a child or an adult.

Can a person who has had chickenpox hang out with a person who has chickenpox?

Yes, once a child has had chicken pox, he or she cannot cannot usually get the disease again and so could hang out with a child who has the disease. However, he or she should touch the open, oozing sores on the infected child, nor share anything that would transfer saliva. If the infected child is sneezing, that child should be kept at home until they are not sneezing.

Is it safe for a pregnant woman to work with shingles despite having chickenpox?

Shingles is not contagious -- it can't be "caught" from someone else. People with shingles can give you chickenpox if you haven't had it. See related link below for information on transmitting shingles

Can you get chickenpox vaccine if you're not sure if you had chickenpox?

Kids that have been vacinated against say chicken pox can in fact still get the chicken pox. This in fact just happened to my neice right before thanksgiving. In Michigan they just upped the dosage of one vaccination to two to decrease the out break of the chicken pox because one dose isn't enough to protect against that strand anymore.

Are there certain medications that someone with chickenpox should stay away from such as Benadryl?

A child with chickenpox should avoid aspirin.

Can you get chickenpox if you had it as a newborn baby?

Usually a skin rash that look like pimples or mosquito bites that develop into blisters and then into open sores, sometimes this is accompanied by a low grade fever. After 2 - 4 days symptoms should start to disappear, unless your child has a weakened immune system then a more serious rash, fever or more serious infections.

What is the Oka strain varicella vaccine?

"Oka" is the last name of the Japanese child, of which researchers took specimen of Varicella (chickenpox) to make the live (attenuated) virus be a part of Varivax or the chickenpox vaccine. The strain of virus is also made into Zostavax for Herpes Zoster also known as Shingles.

Can you be near toddlers and babies if you have chickenpox?

A child/infant should not be around someone with chicken pox. If a child has already had the vaccination, they should be okay; however, vaccinated children have developed chicken pox.

What are the symptoms of chickenpox and who gets chickenpox the most?

Varicella is another name for chickenpox. There is a vaccine now for chickenpox. Children often got chickenpox when they were very young. This virus remains in the body until the immune system cannot repress it anymore. It then re-activates and forms shingles. About one in three will get shingles. A child who gets the vaccine will not get shingles when he gets older. The symptoms of chickenpox local look a lot like a "chicken pecked" a spot on the skin. These will begin to scab over in a few days. The scabs can be infectious.

Had chickenpox as a child but am now pregnant and have been around a child who has been exposed to chickenpox what do you do?

If you had chickenpox as a child, there is no special care required if you are pregnant and were exposed to chickenpox.